
joined 1 year ago

I use NGINX because it's what I'm familiar with. If I was starting again, I would probably use Caddy.

Using 'hours of use' as the metric, it would be Plex. The ones I use every day are Libreddit, TT-RSS, Huginn and Reddit-RSS - and my own journalling app and pocket clone.

Try a delivery test to an Outlook / Exchange server. I'll be amazed if it goes through.

[–] untilyouarrived@lemmy.gtfo.social 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

And episode 1 is currently free on Steam!

[–] untilyouarrived@lemmy.gtfo.social 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I'm relatively competent installing server software, but the Lemmy instructions completely flummoxed me. Their docker instructions just don't work.

I ended up using the ansible docker scripts and filling out the blanks because I'm unfamiliar with ansible.

If this is as good as it sounds, you're doing everyone a massive favour.