joined 2 years ago
Arguable. The stories have him talk about the right price and your rights with slaves, and as commonly understood "not one jot or tittle" would directly conflict with "let he who..", unless the second is an edict ("hey, you, sinless one, go chuck a rock at them and bludgeon then go death").
Where the bible isn't monstrous, it's at best inconsistent.
Definitely betting one life vs. maybe betting several. It's a version of the trolley problem. There isn't a right answer, unfortunately - though I personally would move the kid to professional full time psychiatric care in a "hope for the best, plan for the worst" sort of thing. Especially since I don't think kids are inherently more valuable than adults.
Our Golden will actively watch Avatar: The Last Airbender and The Dragon Prince. Full on watch the TV. (And nature documentaries).
Most other shows he doesn't really care one way or the other for.