[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 3 points 1 hour ago

Empirical evidence is always the most reliable.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 7 points 2 hours ago

it's the car manufacturers that piss me off on this. Why is the license timed? Why isn't it licensed on a "per game release" basis? What does Toyota lose if the 94 Celica is still driveable in a dead racing game from 10 years ago? It's clearly a case of game devs having to acquiesce to the demands of stakeholders that don't understand video games.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 2 points 4 hours ago

Christ, well that's not surprising, but that doesn't make it any less horrific. As you mentioned several times in the quotes, the UN is meeting with the Taliban this Sunday to discuss Afghanistan as a whole, and the Taliban has demanded that no Afghani women be present for this meeting. This report really calls into question the point of the meeting. If the Taliban are treating Afghani women this way, and the Taliban deny that they are even arresting women for "bad hijab", then what is there to even talk about?

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 2 points 1 day ago

I appreciate your willingness to question the narrative and push for peace even while everyone seems to have a real appetite for war. I found this article from 2014 that discusses the US's influence in the 2014 protests. The cited experts are Yale University history professor Timothy Snyder and retired CIA analyst Ray McGovern. They discuss a recorded phone conversation where two US State Dept officials are going over who they want in power in Ukraine. Snyder seems pretty convinced that the 2014 protests and elections were genuine, regardless of State Department conversations about who they want to win. Then you have McGovern, who has experience in this sort of thing, saying that the CIA does not really do this sort of thing anymore, and so the State Dept does it instead. And as i'm reading, he seems quite convinced that the US was placing its thumb on the scales, and he seems to agree that maybe this should be resolved by everyone coming to the table.

McGovern's most convincing piece of evidence is this:

The other thing is, you know, Professor Snyder talks about the parliamentary vote, voting in the new government. Well, he must know that that was a rump vote. I think it was—I think it was unanimous, something like 253 to nothing, which, you know, really is sort of a nostalgic look back at the votes that I used to count in the Soviet Union. There’s something very smelly here.

But I looked it up, and it seems like in 2014, the Prime Minister Yatsenyuk was elected via a parliamentary election where he got 371 of the 372 members that voted. Which sounds suspicious, but you should factor in the other 78 members that were either abstaining or not voting. Is it strange? Sure, but here's another theory: the protests happened with no or very little Western influence, but the elections happened with lots of implied Western influence. There was a lot of crisis and turmoil, protests and corruption combined with Russian soldiers on the doorstep. The Parliament was under a lot of pressure to act swiftly and decisively to ease unrest. So they picked up the phone when the US called, and listened to their advice. In this way, the US got the outcome it wanted, but not by particularly manipulative means. They just offered their advice, and the Parliament listened. And so, all of the anti or neutral-to-Russia Parliament simply fell in line, to bring stability to the country.

Now, I have no evidence of this. This is just my extended thoughts on the matter after trying to understand your point of view. I think the reason many are quick to defend Ukraine's side in this conflict is that Russia has shown itself to be corrupt, fascistic, and manipulative in foreign and domestic affairs multiple times over the past decade or so. And in the context of what has happened and continues to happen, it's hard to be sympathetic to Russia's "position" when they've been shown to argue in bad faith over and over again. It's impossible for us to know what the people of Crimea want because they live under an authoritarian regime. It's impossible for us to make treaties and concessions to Russia because they always break them. Every barrier to peace seems to be created by Russia, so people side with Ukraine, the underdog that they know very little about.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 3 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

Didn't realize La Pen was still haunting French politics. But then, I can't pretend i am particularly well versed in European politics as a whole. This NYT article helped me understand this a bit better. For fellow clueless Americans, the OP article makes a lot more sense after reading that NYT article.


Investigations by nonprofit news outlet ProPublica have found links between Chinese diplomats, Chinese Communist Party-affiliated organizations, local Chinese criminal syndicates and some marijuana operations in the United States.

In the operations reported on in this story, NPR found no signs of Chinese state or Asian organized crime involvement. The businesses did attract small-scale, individual investors from China who were eager to invest abroad.


Just in case you thought maybe the Dems had finally seen the light after Rafah. Nope! How about even more bombs for Israel?


Grocery store prices are changing faster than ever before — literally. This month, Walmart became the latest retailer to announce it’s replacing the price stickers in its aisles with electronic shelf labels. The new labels allow employees to change prices as often as every ten seconds.

“If it’s hot outside, we can raise the price of water and ice cream. If there's something that’s close to the expiration date, we can lower the price — that’s the good news,” said Phil Lempert, a grocery industry analyst.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 1 points 6 days ago

At this point, it might end up being a cross-gen/launch game for the next Switch.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 11 points 6 days ago

Ugh so grim. This genocide just keeps on rolling and it feels like no one can do anything about it

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 48 points 7 months ago

rant /rănt/ intransitive verb

  1. To speak or write in an angry or emotionally charged manner; rave.
  2. To express at length a complaint or negative opinion.
[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 72 points 9 months ago

I love that the thumbnail for every article about Starfield is an uncomfortable close-up of a character's dialogue face.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 58 points 10 months ago

very brazen to post an article about yourself, Leo.

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 39 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

last i checked, it sounded like Bioware's recent development challenges (Andromeda, Anthem, protracted dev times) came from poor leadership. I remember Jason Schrier's retrospective highlighted that for most of Anthem's development, there was no strong guidance from leadership, so the devs were largely just experimenting with dead-end ideas and hoping management would latch on to something and push into that direction.

So these 50 roles we are "eliminating" must be the executives and managers from that period, right? Right?

[-] theangriestbird@beehaw.org 91 points 10 months ago

"The sad truth is that there are no great 'social networks' right now," he said on X.

None that he owns, at least...

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