
joined 2 months ago
[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Sometimes there's a tie for a position which cannot be resolved by the current rules or won't be played out at all.

In athletics, for example in pole vault, you have several tries to reach a certain height, if two athletes are tied at the same height the amount if failed tries is compared, but this still leads to shared places quite often. In the sports where you're scoring points you might get a tie by having the same highest score, which is usually resolved by comparing the second or third best score, but even that might not always be sufficient. In some of the tournament sports there are no games for third place, so the losers of the semi finals share third.

[–] 9 points 1 month ago (3 children)

Der Eingriff ist in der Tat nicht sehr kompliziert, aber eben nicht garantiert reversibel. Das sollte man sich gut überlegen, falls man in der Zukunft auf natürliche Weise Kinder zeugen möchte.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago

Ich habe ne Zeit lang neben des Studiums Führungen unter anderem in einer Ausstellung gemacht, die globale Erwärmung, Gletscherschmelze und ähnliches abdeckt. Die kognitive Dissonanz von Touristen, die gerade mit dem Flieger oder Kreuzfahrtschiff angekommen sind und dann die Auswirkungen von zu hohem CO2-Ausstoss beklagen, ist nicht zu überbieten.

[–] 7 points 2 months ago (1 children)

The value of the material is that it already is in space. Getting stuff into orbit is incredibly costly. Parking an asteroid in orbit would allow us to mine it and then fabricate space installations on the asteroid and/or using materials from it.

[–] 6 points 2 months ago (2 children)

this repo has this license, which doesn't seem to be like GPL/MIT or whatever?

The license seems to be the 3 Clause BSD license.

Here's some information regarding compatibility between this license and MIT/GPL:

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (6 children)

Personal EVs are not a solution. We need less cars overall, not replace combustion with EV. EVs still significantly contribute to pollution, noise and car-centered infrastructure. EVs are just the car industry's way of continuing business as usual without changing anything and is not environmentally friendly.

The only solution is more and better public infrastructure, more bikes and walkable cities, where the important things are either close by or sufficiently accessible by public transport.

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