
joined 7 months ago
[–] 11 points 5 months ago

Für die Leute, die keine offene Browser Session haben, hier ein kleines, aber funktionales Bash Script, welches im Ausführungsverzeichnis eine myFedditUserData.json erstellt, welche bei anderen Instanzen importiert werden kann.


  • Linux/Mac OS X Installation
  • jq installiert (Unter Ubuntu/Debian/Mint z.B. per sudo apt install -y jq


  • Folgendes Script unter einem beliebigen Namen mit .sh Endung abspeichern, z.B.
  • Script in beliebigen Textprogramm öffnen, Username/Mail und Passwort ausfüllen (optional Instanz ändern)
  • Terminal im Ordner des Scripts öffnen und chmod +x ausführen (Namen eventuell anpassen)
  • ./
  • Nun liegt im Ordner neben dem Script eine frische myFedditUserData.json

Anmerkung: Das Script ist recht simpel, es wird ein JWT Bearer Token angefragt und als Header bei dem GET Aufruf von mitgegeben. Wer kein Linux/Mac OS X zur Verfügung hat, kann den Ablauf mit anderen Mitteln nachstellen.

Das Script:


# Basic login script for Lemmy API

my_instance=""			# e.g.
my_username=""			# e.g. freamon
my_password=""			# e.g. hunter2


# Lemmy API version


# Turn off history substitution (avoid errors with ! usage)
set +H


# Login
login() {


	curl -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d "$json_data" "$url"

# Get userdata as JSON
getUserData() {


	curl -H "Authorization: Bearer ${JWT}" "$url"

JWT=$(login | jq -r '.jwt')

printf 'JWT Token: %s\n' "$JWT"

getUserData | jq > myFedditUserData.json

Lemmy bietet seit Version 0.19 eine Funktion an, um die user data zu ex- und importieren. Das geht normalerweise über einen Button in den Settings des Webinterfaces, das geht aktuell bei nicht.

Aber der zugrundeliegende API-Aufruf funktioniert noch, solange man noch mit einem Browser auf eingeloggt ist:

  1. Man gehe auf und speichert die zurückgegebene Datei als irgendwas.json
  2. Man nehme einen (neuen) Account auf einer stabilen Instanz der Wahl, gehe auf /settings und lade irgendwas.json über den Import-Button hoch.
  3. Voilà, man genieße die neue Instanz.

Das funktioniert mit jeder Instanz >=0.19, man muss lediglich das "" in der URL ersetzen. Und wenn das Webinterface funktioniert, geht das auch über den Export- Button in den Settings.

[–] 10 points 6 months ago

Selfhosted services like Nextcloud/Immich aren't nearly as dependent on a critical user mass like Discord/Matrix, but the principle is the same.

If you host for family or friends, they may even use it if you convince them to switch. But when the setup, which doesn't consist of redundant instances and isn't maintained by a small army of SysAdmins 24/7, inevitably breaks for longer than a few minutes, most will switch back to the easy, reliable option.

[–] 25 points 6 months ago (4 children)

I'd love to be able to disagree in any of your points, but I can't.

The vast majority of users want something that simply works, is polished and intuitively usable. Reading docs, remembering anything other than the bare minimum, running into issues that don't get magically resolved within 5 minutes will turn them away forever.

Even people with a technical background will at least partially compromise and migrate towards the services with the most users to not isolate themselfs.

Matrix is neat, Lemmy is neat, Nextcloud is neat (well, in theory), Immich is neat, so many other privacy friendly solutions are neat. But they'll always be irrelevant in the global context.

[–] 8 points 6 months ago

Signal and DeltaChat, as well as Simplex and some others e2e communication solutions, are adequate from a technical point of view.

The main issue is always adoption. You can have the most convenient way to safely communicate with people, it'll be useless if nobody you're talking to wants to use it.

So, since Signal is very easy to set up and use as well as the most adopted, it's currently the best pick for regular conversations.

[–] 26 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Telcos know that authentication is about the only remaining use case for SMS and are not going to turn down the revenue stream.

And it can't die fast enough, as it's essentially the same as broadcasting your sensitive information over unencrypted radio.

Apart from security, phone number based user identification is such a half-assed approach and I still don't get why Signal wants to die on that hill. It's inconvenient, yet trivial, for anyone to register a second, third or tenth phone number. With a bit more knowledge and inconvenience, even anonymously. It adds so little.

[–] 8 points 6 months ago

Sweet, now I get to put "worked with NASA" in my résumé.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Their issue tracker is probably the best bet.

I never use dubious sources like this, especially banking apps.

Oh yeah, it's usually a very bad idea, especially regarding apps handling sensitive information. Since my use case for APKMirror strictly consists of apps without internet permission in a dedicated, otherwise empty profile, the risk is acceptable.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago (3 children)

open from a direct link from the Play store (in which the app page opens, however, with almost no information, such as version, permissions, size and so on, and the download doesn’t start.

Tested this myself, as that used to be the workaround for apps not appearing, but I'm facing the same issue on some apps. For the time being, installing/updating manually via APKMirror isn't ideal, but I'm not installing the Play Store.

[–] 3 points 6 months ago

Dude, you are a horrible human being.

[–] 5 points 6 months ago

Steganography is a (fascinating) bitch. There are a lot of ways to hide a message in an image which is very resilient to manipulations like resizing, compression or even the loss of information by actually filming a screen versus taking a screen capture.

If you adjust your approach to not rely on a single picture to reliably convey a short message, but part it out over tens or hundreds of frames in a video, it's basically impossible to make sure that the message was erased without knowing the algorithms used or rendering the video unwatchable.

It's an awesome field and nothing new.

[–] 5 points 6 months ago

What? So your advice for improving privacy is to not use a VPN, because the provider may log stuff and instead keep accessing stuff directly through your ISP who will log everything you do and simply use DNS over HTTPS/TLS, which does pretty much nothing for your privacy since your ISP still sees the servers you connect to?

That's terrible advice.

[–] 2 points 6 months ago (2 children)

Mullvad certifiably doesn't log. Their VPN infrastructure even transitioned to RAM-only a few months back. They've been raided by the police and nothing was confiscated because there was nothing to confiscate. Obviously they have a list of registered accounts and payments, but without any connection to - well, connections.

I get what you mean though and mostly agree: There are only a few providers I trust enough to shift said trust from the ISP to them.

As mentioned in the comment you replied to: Yes, trusting a third party is a compromise. But you are also trusting a third party when renting a server for a private VPN endpoint, as well. A third party provider with probably a lot more logging going on than a trusted service such as Mullvad. While being way more exposed.

Since TOR isn't feasible for most users 24/7, trusted commercial VPNs are the next best thing when the alternative is your ISP logging everything you do.

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