
joined 1 year ago
[–] 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

And making his way into the ring, weighing a steady 350 pounds after training on Stardew Valley, vegan Oreos and Mountain Dew, it's The Agenda Pusher!

Here to derail any meaningful conversation on any topic and make it all about his pet political issue, he'll topple you with his signature move, The Forum Slide, where in one post he'll turn any discussion into a shit-flinging flame war where everyone will forget what they were originally talking about in the first place!

cue theme music

cue applause

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

edit: so mad 😎

They get mad when reality disagrees with them. Big mad. As in to say most of the time

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

It's his overall objective in the thread that's the problem. His problem is also not my problem. I'm perfectly content to laugh while he seethes.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago (3 children)

maybe if you guys had an actual functioning justice system over there that didnt convict and sentence people to death because of their skin colour things would be different,

Sounds big mad to me

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Haha, I was right. You're mad. Big mad. Well, I'm mad too. From your sniveling backtracking to your refusal to question your own motives or thoughts, it's obvious you're defending and sympathizing with a baby murderer because her existence challenges your worldview and beliefs. You're immature, ignorant, arrogant, and bigoted. You are manipulative, and you are cruel.

Being sadistic, entititled, or thinking you are above everyone else can all be the result of someone’s mental illness.

But they're not, and you don't have the authority to assert they are. Those are the qualities of an evil person or just an asshole. You are a perfect example of this.

While the transition is gradual, we normally understand a physical and psychological alteration as an “illness” when it causes the affected person pain / discomfort / limitation or when it makes living in current society close to impossible.

but additional possibilities don’t rule out mental illness as an option.

Repeat after me, dipshit: You do not have the authority or the qualifications to label other people mentally ill.

You do not have the evidence, training or education required to label her mentally ill. You've never even spoken to her or met her. You do not know jack shit about her mindset. So you're not going to label her mentally ill.

You're not going to claim she's mentally ill.

You're not even going to imply she's mentally ill.

You're not going to do anything but shut your mouth and learn to stop being an ableist prick.


I do not believe in good and evil, not a religious person.

Good and evil aren't religious labels, they're moral ones. Atheists believe good and evil exist because they're labels we apply to behavior that recognize the agency and responsibility other people have for their actions, and those labels acknowledge the obvious fact they need to be held accountable and punished for them.

I also didn’t meant to give the option to change to the murderer,

Yes you did, stop lying.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (3 children)

There are any number of explanations that could apply. You're presenting a false dichotomy between "mental illness" and "some people are just evil" because you're looking to silence opinions you do not agree with, and you don't have a right to do that. What if there's a different reason? What if she was blackmailed or brainwashed? What if it was part of her religion? What if someone paid her off to do it? Your mind jumped immediately to mental illness, a mindset that stigmatizes the mentally ill. You cannot call yourself good or just when you do that.

The truth is that some people really are just evil and they do stuff like this because they're sadistic, or entitled, or because they think they can do what they want with impunity. You being unable to accept that fact doesn't make it not true, and that answer not sounding pleasant to you doesn't make it false either. No one's obligated to give a baby murderer room for change; they're allowed to put the well-being of children and the community above hers.

It sounds like you're just mad because other people are rightfully mad at her and want to see her punished, and you can't see what's wrong with that. You legitimately don't understand that it's not right to morally condemn others for wanting to excise someone like her from the community -- an act hardwired in most social animals to protect their safety and the safety of the group, including humans. Maybe the one who's mentally ill here isn't her, it's you.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago (5 children)

What are you getting mad at him for? He's agreeing with you