
joined 5 months ago
[–] -1 points 5 months ago

No, it's the greed.

But the left and right can unite on that, which is why you try to ignore it.

[–] -1 points 5 months ago

Lol. Good point.

If only we had Bernie!

[–] -1 points 5 months ago

a self-immolating middle class

This is the worst part. Every time I see people who mainly consume digital entertainment scoff at getting it for free, it just cements in my mind how most people are useful idiots.

[–] 1 points 5 months ago

Sorry, I'm contributing to that.

I think the main issue is that Americans have been conditioned into being alone unless they spend money.

It's next to impossible to just 'hang out' with your friends these days. It always has to be something 'hype' or 'bandwagony' to matter.

This generation just needs to grow up and learn to think for itself.

[–] 2 points 5 months ago

I recall hearing a similar story about a bank robbery in rural Texas.

The guy got life.

[–] 25 points 5 months ago

Err... her kids are just going to inherit that wealth.

This solves nothing and you shouldn't think it does.

The only way to get rid of the ruling class is to redistribute their wealth. Any other suggestion is just a distraction for useful idiots.

[–] 15 points 5 months ago (2 children)

Yeah. The argument that the 2nd amendment is necessary to protect against tyranny only works when there is a collective effort to fight back.

A handful of renegades weren't going to topple colonial Britain, either.

[–] 42 points 5 months ago

assaults with a sex toy before one of the victims was shot in the mouth in a mock execution.

We're not giving people life without the possibility of parole for this? WTF, but I guess some justice is better than no justice.

[–] 0 points 5 months ago

Eh. No shortage of useful idiots on these forums saying solar should replace nuclear.

They just don't understand how the power grid works.

[–] -3 points 5 months ago (3 children)

Blame solarbros and their useful idiots.

There's a SHIT TON of propaganda surrounding solar because average people can get duped into buying it.

It's a lot harder to rip people off with other forms of energy because communities need to make a collective decision to use them.

Any moron can get suckered into buying solar, which is why you see so many scumbags and useful idiots shilling it on forums

[–] 0 points 5 months ago

If you ever see someone shilling solar over nuclear, it's because they are useful idiots succumbing to propaganda.

You can sell solar to any moron, which is why there are so many dipshits on these forums shilling it without understanding it.

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