submitted 5 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

Speaking at a Bloomberg event on the sidelines of the World Economic Forum's annual meeting in Davos, Altman said the silver lining is that more climate-friendly sources of energy, particularly nuclear fusion or cheaper solar power and storage, are the way forward for AI.

"There's no way to get there without a breakthrough," he said. "It motivates us to go invest more in fusion."

Right, surely the energy intensive AIs will make the world invest in climate-friendly energy instead of just burning more fossil fuels as they always did.

Also shows how unsustainable the current neoliberal system is.

submitted 5 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

On Amazon, I searched for “OpenAI policy” and boy, did I get results! I’m not entirely sure what this green thing is but I’ve been assured that it will “Boost your productivity with our high-performance [product name], designed to deliver-fast results and handle demanding tasks efficiently, ensuring you stay of the competition.“ Phenomenal! Unfortunately, there are no customer reviews — yet, anyway!

The Verge article made reference to this thread:

At this point Amazon is like generative AI for products - you can just make up ideas and some alphabet soup company will drop ship a low quality version of it to you

Welcome to the New World, powered by AI Overlord

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 40 points 5 months ago

Some relevant comments from Ars:


The absolute hubris required for OpenAI here to come right out and say, 'Yeah, we have no choice but to build our product off the exploitation of the work others have already performed' is stunning. It's about as perfect a representation of the tech bro mindset that there can ever be. They didn't even try to approach content creators in order to do this, they just took what they needed because they wanted to. I really don't think it's hyperbolic to compare this to modern day colonization, or worker exploitation. 'You've been working pretty hard for a very long time to create and host content, pay for the development of that content, and build your business off of that, but we need it to make money for this thing we're building, so we're just going to fucking take it and do what we need to do.'

The entitlement is just...it's incredible.


20 years ago, high school kids were sued for millions & years in jail for downloading a single Metalica album (if I remember correctly minimum damage in the US was something like 500k$ per song).

All of a sudden, just because they are the dominant ones doing the infringment, they should be allowed to scrap the entire (digital) human knowledge ? Funny (or not) how the law always benefits the rich.

submitted 5 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

Apparently, stealing other people's work to create product for money is now "fair use" as according to OpenAI because they are "innovating" (stealing). Yeah. Move fast and break things, huh?

"Because copyright today covers virtually every sort of human expression—including blogposts, photographs, forum posts, scraps of software code, and government documents—it would be impossible to train today’s leading AI models without using copyrighted materials," wrote OpenAI in the House of Lords submission.

OpenAI claimed that the authors in that lawsuit "misconceive[d] the scope of copyright, failing to take into account the limitations and exceptions (including fair use) that properly leave room for innovations like the large language models now at the forefront of artificial intelligence."

submitted 6 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

Since this billionaire doesn't want us to learn about what bad things he did, I figured we should let as many people know as possible:

In a move that has press freedom campaigners troubled, Rajat Khare, co-founder of Appin, an India-based tech company, has used a variety of law firms in a number of different jurisdictions to threaten these U.S., British, Swiss, Indian, and French-language media organizations.

On Nov. 16, Reuters published a special investigation under the headline “How an Indian startup hacked the world,” detailing how Appin allegedly became a “hack for hire powerhouse that stole secrets from executives, politicians, military officials and wealthy elites around the globe”

Khare retained the powerhouse “media assassin” firm Clare Locke LLP, which boasts on its website about “killing stories,” to send Reuters several legal threats over the past year about the story

Across the pond, Khare had his name removed from a joint investigation between The Sunday Times and the nonprofit Bureau of Investigative Journalism, titled, “Caught on camera: confessions of the hackers for hire.” Three paragraphs that reported on Khare were removed from both publications following legal threats on his behalf

Lets spread the word!!!

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 54 points 6 months ago

Banning login bonus is such a good idea. When I am busy I simply don't have time or remember to login once per day and then I miss out on some items.

submitted 6 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

The investors might want a refund after seeing what the money were used for.

Notable quotes:

Several employees pointed to Suzuki’s research into the American far right, which included him presenting on QAnon during a company wide all-hands meeting and attending Donald Trump rallies using company funds.

This mission would, at times, lead Suzuki down far-right rabbit roles, according to several former employees. “[He] really wanted to get inside QAnon and figure out what’s going on there,” one former employee told Rest of World, saying Suzuki’s interest in its conspiracy theories only heightened during the Trump administration. “We were worried for him.”

The trips often included visits to rallies for Donald Trump, multiple employees said. “Why would I want to give up one week of my life showing some guy from Tokyo around a Trump rally?” recalled one employee who declined an invitation to join the road trip in 2020. “The whole premise of the idea was very bizarre.”

Yeah, not exactly a good working environment.

submitted 6 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

More efforts from tech bros to build Rapture.

Interesting quotes:

it had backing from tech heavyweights such as billionaire Coinbase CEO Brian Armstrong, AngelList co-founder Naval Ravikant, and venture capitalist** Fred Wilson**, a Coinbase board member who sold his shares in the company for $1.8 billion after it went public in 2021.

“Bitcoin, if it wins, completely changes the world, because it changes the ability of centralized states to do what they’ve been doing,” Srinivisan said in a presentation delivered to a Bitcoin conference in Amsterdam in October.

The Bitcoin-based Network State will be based on “internet values” such as “open source” and “peer-to-peer,” Srinivasan has written.

An utopia run on Bitcoin? What could possibly go wrong?

submitted 7 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/animeandmanga@beehaw.org

(Video has full English subtitle if you turn it on)

Okay...as expected, the AI revolution has already reached Hololive. First using ChatGPT for script in previous episode, now AI tools to generate video...

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 65 points 7 months ago

It is very important for us to "NOT" support any films, shows, games, and whatever form of art and entertainment that tries to use AI to replace human creators.

Greed is going to tear apart every part of society unless we stop it.

submitted 7 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/gaming@beehaw.org

This is too funny to not share!

Some of the requests like listening to multiple songs and type in the number which changed instruments are genuinely difficult.

The 3D puzzles can be very tricky as well. Whose genius idea is this??

submitted 7 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

Article from The Atlantic, archive link: https://archive.ph/Vqjpr

Some important quotes:

The tensions boiled over at the top. As Altman and OpenAI President Greg Brockman encouraged more commercialization, the company’s chief scientist, Ilya Sutskever, grew more concerned about whether OpenAI was upholding the governing nonprofit’s mission to create beneficial AGI.

The release of GPT-4 also frustrated the alignment team, which was focused on further-upstream AI-safety challenges, such as developing various techniques to get the model to follow user instructions and prevent it from spewing toxic speech or “hallucinating”—confidently presenting misinformation as fact. Many members of the team, including a growing contingent fearful of the existential risk of more-advanced AI models, felt uncomfortable with how quickly GPT-4 had been launched and integrated widely into other products. They believed that the AI safety work they had done was insufficient.

Employees from an already small trust-and-safety staff were reassigned from other abuse areas to focus on this issue. Under the increasing strain, some employees struggled with mental-health issues. Communication was poor. Co-workers would find out that colleagues had been fired only after noticing them disappear on Slack.

Summary: Tech bros want money, tech bros want speed, tech bros want products.

Scientists want safety, researchers want to research...

submitted 7 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/technology@beehaw.org

Now we know why Open AI's board fired him. Honestly can't fault them. If Altman was going to leave with key staff anyway, why don't just fire him? Its a lost cause.

submitted 7 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

I have seen so many articles, tweets, posts, etc. in the past few months about AI eradicating all jobs or something along the line, and robots eliminating all needs for human labour.

And then I look at all the jobs that I have worked on.

Good luck using AI to get through government bureaucracies. I am sure ChatGPT get help you navigate all the regulations, apply to all the licenses automatically, comply with regulations etc. I am sure when a company is fined millions they can just say "but...ChatGPT say this can work!"

Good luck telling the CEO to use AI assistant. I am sure the 70-years-old CEO would prefer shouting to a phone which may tell them the idea does not work instead of shouting to a group of employees who would nod nervously and then implement the ideas while ignoring the bad parts.

Good luck replacing humans with robots. The maintenance costs of hardware and software on an army of robots which needs fuel and electricity and probably internet connection MUST BE lower than hiring labour at minimum wages. Right? Did I forgot to mention that human can takes care of themselves?

Remember that the society is run by humans. Even the rich and the powerful are human and have human needs. They would want other people to work for them.

What if a singularity AI took over the world? I mean if that is possible and the society fail to prevent such an event from happening then humanity deserves to perish anyways. Also please don't tell me you believe in Roko's basilisk.

Stop worrying and start living your life!

submitted 8 months ago by sculd@beehaw.org to c/chat@beehaw.org

No Paywall: https://12ft.io/proxy?q=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.theatlantic.com%2Fideas%2Farchive%2F2023%2F06%2Fchristian-movement-new-apostolic-reformation-politics-trump%2F674320%2F

The reformation meant recognizing new apostles—men and women believed to have God-given spiritual authority as leaders. It meant modern-day prophets—people believed to be chosen by God to receive revelations through dreams and visions and signs. It meant spiritual warfare, which was not intended to be taken metaphorically, but actually demanded the battling of demons that could possess people and territories and were so real that they could be diagrammed on maps.

It meant portals: specific openings where demonic or angelic forces could enter—eyes or mouths, for instance, or geographic locations such as Azusa Street in Los Angeles, scene of a seminal early-20th-century revival. It meant the rise of the Manifest Sons of God, an elite force that would be endowed with supernatural powers for spiritual and perhaps actual warfare.

Most significant, the new reformation required not just personal salvation but action to transform all of society. Christians were to reclaim the fallen Earth from Satan and advance the Kingdom of God, and this idea was not metaphorical either. The Kingdom would be a social pyramid, at the top of which was a government of godly leaders dispensing biblical laws and at the bottom of which was the full manifestation of heaven on Earth, a glorious world with no poverty, no racism, no crime, no abortion, no homosexuality, two genders, one kind of marriage, and one God: theirs.

Reading this article feels terrifying.....by the sheer ignorance of the people covered. They believe they are acting on behalf of God, literally. It feels like a doomsday cult.

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 42 points 8 months ago

In the article quoted by Ars (https://mobilegamer.biz/fuck-you-were-not-paying-inside-unitys-runtime-fee-fiasco/)

I truly don’t think it was done maliciously,” our Unity insider said. “Ultimately Unity has lost a lot of money over the last 18 years – billions of dollars – and they need to do something to make more money. Sadly, it wasn’t delivered well, but the need to make more money is still there.”

Using anti-competitive tatic to try to eliminate a competitor is literally malicious.

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 46 points 8 months ago

LOL They knew the problem existed for a long time and decided to do nothing because more reviews = more sales

Only when people started discovering the issues then they pretend they are doing things

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 53 points 8 months ago

Thank god we have people working tirelessly to prevent Google’s greed

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 46 points 9 months ago

The problem is neoliberalism that seeks to turn everything into profit and sees money as the only valuable target in the world.

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 41 points 9 months ago

At this point? Fuck Unity!

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 76 points 9 months ago

I never understand why we need gaming headphones when normal headphones already do the job well.

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 55 points 9 months ago
  1. Say no to chromium. Use Firefox and its forks. Even Safari (webkit) maybe a better choice to support a healthy web environment.

  2. Say no to crypto. I hope I don't need to explain this one. If you have to use Chromium browsers for whatever reasons, use Vivaldi.

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 57 points 10 months ago

Fired for taking 3 days off ?!?! What the actual fuck!??!

[-] sculd@beehaw.org 262 points 11 months ago

They don't "hate" chronological feeds. The study say they are more likely to disengage, and that's probably because people got what they need from the chronological feed and log off to do other things....

Proving that chronological feed is more healthy.

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