[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 20 points 3 months ago

wait... you are not being sarcastic?

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 48 points 3 months ago

they were just fined with 1.8B because of their anti steering practices. so clearly they don’t always comply

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 30 points 4 months ago

iMessages is like a footnote here. I was surprised it was even considered.

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 27 points 5 months ago

copyright has become a tool of oppression. Individual author's copyright is constantly being violated with little resources for them to fight while big tech abuses others work and big media uses theirs to the point of it being censorship.

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 47 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago)

I love how every thread or post about printers ends up in people just recommending a Brother. I really hope they keep going doing what they are doing.

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 23 points 7 months ago

middle class is now "the richest 10%"? not sure they know what "middle" means

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 17 points 7 months ago

what they put in their gitlab is besides the point. The issue here is they are forbidding other people from redistributing the sources they got from Red Hat, which is allowed by the GPL. They know they cannot legally stop people from doing so, so instead they have decided they will terminate contracts with those people.

In the view of many, this is "imposing further restrictions", and thus breaking the GPL.

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 30 points 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago)

If someone is putting civilians between you and them and you still shoot, you are not better than them.

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 37 points 8 months ago

This ban also legitimises the idea that supporting the idea that supporting Palestine is equal to supporting terrorism or antisemitism, which also can increase hate crimes against them (and Arab people in general)

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 32 points 9 months ago

the issue is that Hue devices can actually be used offline without issues. They are changing that retroactively for users.

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 41 points 9 months ago

I just blocked my bridge from accessing the internet. hopefully that will prevent any sneaky update from messing with my local access

[-] sanzky@beehaw.org 24 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Linux. I think I started playing with it around 2001. I was a computer nerd on high school and I wanted to be a hacker. I would be lying if I said that The Matrix wasn't a big factor. To this day I use black console with green text.


Finding movies dubbed to Spanish (particularly children/family movies) seems tricky. Seems that 'sphere likes their download links. Which are good places to get them? I dont mind if it's latinamerican or spanish dubbing

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