
joined 1 year ago
[–] 22 points 8 hours ago (4 children)

That's really cool, I love stuff like this. Movie making in the time before CGI, fabulous.

[–] 139 points 1 day ago (4 children)
[–] 12 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Agreed, although, that money should come from proper taxation of the very richest.

[–] 5 points 2 days ago (1 children)

Most people wouldn't have the slightest idea how to use Wordpress, nor even what a domain is, let alone how to do anything with one.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago

In addition to other reasons given, I see their web interfaces as recruitment methods.

People who don't have the app can still click links which bring them to the FB/IG/Tw websites - and then that could be enough to get them interested enough to then go on and install the full app especially when they find out how restricted the websites are.

[–] 7 points 3 days ago

Hopefully it'll become remembered as the McCarthyism of its day.

[–] 4 points 4 days ago

Ha - fashion > fascism :-)

[–] 7 points 4 days ago

Thanks, that's really interesting. I guess black laces were the only safe option!

[–] 3 points 5 days ago (2 children)

Thank you for being less lazy than me! Still though, white laces are pretty common. I wouldn't want to be mistaken for a white supremacist just because of that.

[–] 9 points 5 days ago (8 children)

Could you expand on the laces thing? I've never heard of laces (white, yellow or anything else) signifying anything in this topic.


Or at least that's what Google says they are... :-)


Just wondering if anyone knows of a way to do this?

Here's my use case in more detail

I have a laptop and a PC, with the laptop connecting to one of my 2 monitors via an HDMI splitter. This allows me to use my PC on both screens most of the time, but then quickly switch one monitor to show the laptop, when required.

Only thing is that doing that causes all PC windows* on Screen 2 to jump to Screen 1, while Screen 2 now shows the laptop's windows. That's fine, and I get why it does that (effectively the PC thinks I've disconnected Screen 2).

* (usually it's a bunch of Chrome windows, 5-7 of them - for work/multi-client reasons this works best for me and my PC handles it fine)

When I switch the HDMI splitter back, all PC windows remain on Screen 1, while Screen 2 is once again showing my PC desktop, but with no windows. Ideally all windows would flip back to where they were before, but I don't think there's a way to do this, and again, that's fine.

My next preferred option is to be able to able to move all Chrome windows over from Screen 1 to Screen 2 quickly - and this is what I'm looking for advice on. I can't seem to find a way to "select" all/multiple Chrome windows and shift them to Screen 2, but it feels like there must be a way?

Any help greatly appreciated :-)


Example post:

I've no idea if this is technically possible at all, but on posts like the one above, where multiple images have been added, it would be really handy to be able to swipe between them as if they were in a gallery. At present it's a case of open one, close it, open the next, etc...

Same for comments, not sure if that would be different than posts.

Thanks :-)


I really don't like the file picker now - when sharing images or anything else, it shows inconsistent and incomplete lists of folders, and although I can then choose to go to Browse and pick that way, I'd rather just have that by default. Anyone know if it's possible?


Others may disagree, but every time I find myself wanting to change the sort type, I tap the area circled on the left. But this opens the menu to switch between Subscribed/Local/All - instead I should be tapping the three lines on the right.

Would it maybe make sense to have "Hot", "New", etc appear with those lines instead?

No biggie, just an idea.

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