[-] rglullis@communick.news 5 points 2 days ago

tag-following / tag-muting?

[-] rglullis@communick.news 53 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago)

has many more options for clients,

The problem of XMPP is here. These options are not uniform among the possible different combinations of servers and clients.

The situation has improved a lot, but there was a point in time where saying "this is my XMPP handle" was far from enough to know if you'd be able to communicate with others, and you'd have to figure out things like:

  • Does the server support MUC?
  • Does the server support E2E? If so, which?
  • Are emojis supported on the server, or do they get converted to ASCII?
  • Can you use audio calls? If so, which codec?
  • If my client supports "share live location", what do you see on your end?

Not to mention that until recently there was no decent XMPP client for iOS. Even today, the best alternative is siskin, which may have its vocal fans but quite frankly is pretty barebones and has a UI that would be considered ugly even in 2010.

Matrix as a protocol is technically worse than XMPP and Synapse is a resource hog compared to Prosody and Ejabberd? Yes, true. But at least I can tell non-technical people to download Element from the App stores and they will have a consistently-not-great-but-acceptable-and-improving experience.


About two months ago I was talking about this model for funding artists in the Fediverse where backers would set a monthly "pledge" and then they would be able to define how to split their contribution among their favorite preferred people.

This week I am launching the MVP of this idea. It's not specific to musicians or artists, but instead can be used by any content creator that wants to get any support from their audience.



submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by rglullis@communick.news to c/devops@programming.dev

Out of principle I refuse to put any type of analytics on my sites. I don't want to send user data to third parties and I don't want to rely on data that comes from JavaScript on the browser unless strictly necessary.

But the thought recently occurred to me that I could use my server logs to create some basic data visualisation on Grafana.

I'd like very basic stuff:

  • hits
  • common referrers
  • geo location by IP address
  • bounce rates per page

What would be the recommended way to get this, assuming that I have traefik logs aggregates via Loki and Grafana installed?



submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by rglullis@communick.news to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world
Architecture Porn (sfw.community)

At the moment !architectureporn@sfw.community is mostly mirroring post from reddit, but it would be great to see contributions from real people.

Pine64 (hardware.watch)
IndieWeb - selfhosted (selfhosted.forum)
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by rglullis@communick.news to c/newcommunities@lemmy.world

A community for enthusiasts of the indieweb. There was one at lemm.ee but it was removed by the creator.

[-] rglullis@communick.news 42 points 3 months ago

I wrote to about a dozen journalists on Linked who loved to complain about Elon Musk on Twitter. A short paragraph saying about how Mastodon is growing and that the best way to combat Musk power would be by stripping his platform of reputable people.

Zero responses.

[-] rglullis@communick.news 63 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

Evidence No. 3783 that "social media" and "privacy" do not mix well together.

Let me repeat one more time:

  • anything you write online should be considered public.
  • There is no "consent-based" fediverse.
  • There is no "GDPR protects me from that".
  • There is no "security through obscurity".
  • There is no "dark corner of the internet".

No matter your morals and ethical values, If you need to have any type of conversation that you think might get you in legal trouble, do not have this conversation in a public forum. Use #matrix if you have to, and even then you'd still need to worry large group chats which may have some undercover agent.

And if you are really concerned about "censorship", then ActivityPub is not for you. Go join forces with the bitcoiners and use #nostr.

submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by rglullis@communick.news to c/fediverse@lemmy.world

Ok, I get it: the majority of users on Lemmy are browsing by "all", which puts a lot of content on their feeds that they are not interested in. I've already got in many arguments to try to explain this is kind of absurd and everyone would be better off if they went to curate the communities they are interested in. But I also understand that this feels a bit like saying "you are holding it wrong".

But can we at least agree to a guideline to not downvote things in communities you are not an active participant, or at least a subscriber? Using downvotes to express "I don't like this", "I don't care about this", or "I disagree with this" is harmful to the overall system. It's not just because you don't like a particular topic that you should vote it down, because it makes it harder for the people that do care about it to find the post.

Downvotes should be used as a way for us to collective filter out "bad" content, but what constitutes "bad" content is dependent on the context and values of the community. If you are not part of the community in question, then you are just using up/down votes as a way to amplify/silence the voice of majority/minority. By downvoting in communities you don't participate, you end up harming the potential of smaller communities to grow, and everyone's feed gets dominated only by the popular/lowest-common-denominator type of content.

Instead of downvoting, a better set of guidelines would be:

  • If you don't care about the post, leave it alone.
  • If you don't want to see content from a specific community, just block it.
  • If the content is actual spam and/or not according to the rules of the community, report it.

Another thing: don't forget that votes are public. Lemmy UI has a very handy feature for moderators that shows everyone who upvotes/downvotes any post or comment. I'm tired of posting content to different communities and be met of a pour of non-subscribers on the downvote side. Yeah, I think we should make some improvements in the software side to have a more flexible rule system for scoring downvotes, but until such a thing does not exist, I'm seriously considering creating a "Clueless Downvoters Wall of Shame" community to mention every user that I see downvoting without a strong reason for it.


Yesterday, as part of the discussions related to Lemmy current inability to delete all user content I wrote a proposal: if enough people stepped up to help with funding, I'd take my work on my Fediverser project (which already has an admin web tool that "knows" how to interface with Lemmy) to solve all the GDPR-specific issues that we were raised by @maltfield@monero.town

The amount asked is, quite frankly, symbolic. I offered to work 10h/week on it if at least 20 people showed up to contribute via Github (which would be $4/month) or to signup to my instance (which access is given via a $29/year subscription). In other words, I'm saying "Give me $80/month and I will work 40 hours per month on this thing which so many of you are saying is critical to the project."

So now that we have passed 24 hours, 58 upvotes and a handful of "that's great!" responses, let me tell you how that translated into actual supporters:

  • Zero sponsors on Github
  • Zero signups on Communick.

Don't take this as me demanding anything. I'm writing this just to illustrate the following:

  • The Tragedy of the commons is real. I can bet that at least 30% of the 60+ thousand users on Lemmy are proud owners of a pricey iPhone, and most of these are okay with paying for an app to use on their pricey iPhones, but almost none of them will even consider throwing a few bucks per year on the way of an open source developer.

  • The Outrage Mill is not a "capitalist" or even "corporate" phenomenon. People were piling on the devs yesterday for completely ignoring "such a crucial piece of functionality", but no one actually stepped up to offer (or gather) the resources needed to have this problem solved. It's almost as if people were getting more out of the discussion about the problem than working through a solution.

  • "Skin In The Game" is a powerful filter. No matter how much people will tell you that something is important to them, the true test is seeing how many are willing to pay the asking price. If not people are not willing to pay $2 per hour of work, then I can assume that this is not really important.

[-] rglullis@communick.news 54 points 3 months ago

Instead of playing the blame game, let me see if I can help with a solution: I am fairly certain that I can take the "admin" functionality that I built for fediverser and use it as the basis for a "moderation dashboard". It's a Python/Django application that can communicate with the Lemmy server both through the API and the database. The advantages of it being a "sidecar system" instead of being built "into" the Lemmy code itself is that I am not blocked by any of the Lemmy developers and the existing instance owners do not need to wait for some fork to show up.

I can propose a deal: at the time of writing, there are ~200 people who upvoted this article. If I get 20 people (10% of the upvoters) to either sponsor me on Github or subscribe to my Europe-based, GDPR-subject suite of fediverse services, then I will dedicate 10 hours per week to solve all GDPR-related issues.

How does that sound? To me it sounds like a win-win-win situation: Instance admins get proper tooling, Lemmy devs get this out of their list of concerns and users get a more robust application for the fediverse.

[-] rglullis@communick.news 78 points 4 months ago


410 Gone!
I was creating an implementation for the activity pub instance service transfer, but it seems to have spread far.
We are very sorry to those who have experienced inconvenience.

All temporarily used data has been removed and all data has been removed.
The figures in the data will soon converge to zero.

I trawled unintentionally.
[-] rglullis@communick.news 58 points 6 months ago

There is also a lesson in implementing proper tests. During these holidays I started to play a bit more with Rust and went on to look at Lemmy's backend code. Not a single unit test in sight...

[-] rglullis@communick.news 60 points 6 months ago

we’re avoiding

"We" are a minority share of the market and no one really cares about "us". "We" are irrelevant and we will keep being irrelevant unless we start actual and effective evangelizing for an open web.

This is not just about "avoiding", it's about fighting for culture change.

[-] rglullis@communick.news 126 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Repeat after me: anything I write on the internet should be treated as public information. If I want to keep any conversation private, I will not post it in a public website.

[-] rglullis@communick.news 52 points 6 months ago

The Facebook hatred is understandable and justified, but defederating with Threads is a misguided idea:

  • Federation is not required for them to be able to pull the data. Even if you block an instance, they can still pull whatever they want.
  • By closing down with Threads, you'll be basically guaranteeing that that all the millions of people that are there will never be able to migrate away.
  • By getting major (current) instances to defederate with Threads, it gets easier for Threads to just say "hey, we tried to be open but they still rejected us, so we are just going to go back to our walled garden."
[-] rglullis@communick.news 37 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Well, it clearly seems that this experiment is failing, but not for any reason I was expecting...

  • Fediverser is first and foremost a set of tools to help people migrate away from Reddit. I was not expecting so many "if I want to see Reddit stuff, I just go to Reddit". I thought that the people that came to Lemmy during the protests were willing to put their words into actions and leave Reddit, or maybe do what I am doing and only using it to spread awareness of the alternatives. I thought that it was understood that the problem with Reddit was on management, not with Reddit users. I thought that people liked the content from their niche subs, and I thought that people were willing to help others to move to a newer alternative, free of Big Tech and centralized corporate control. It doesn't seem to be the case. For all the talk about community and all the people crying against spez, it seems that Slacktivism is still the dominant ideology of social networks.

  • Fediverser is very specific about what subreddits are being mirrored and into what communities the content is going to. To talk about "spam" honestly makes very little sense to me, until I realized that there are so many people browsing via "all". I can not understand how someone in their right mind would be looking at any content firehose without filtering, but it seems like that this is the reality for many.

  • People were feeling "tricked" into responding. That's on me. My work on two-way communication is going a bit slower than I was hoping for and I thought that marking accounts as bots was enough, but clearly the UX is failing to make this noticeable.

With all that said, I will retire the bots until I deliver on my promise to make two-way communication work and/or I have better tools at fediverser.network to help community promotion.

[-] rglullis@communick.news 70 points 10 months ago

Can you tell me any successful open source project where the lead developers take a "merge everything with little fuss over quality, principle and overall design" approach?

Maybe PHP? When you think of PHP, do you think "that's a project I'd like to work on"?

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