Hahaha sick I'll try to check them out, so curious about the sound
Lol aw man I'm definitely getting old; I remember when Skrillex came out and kinda ruined the genre tbh, it was so totally different when it first emerged, it actually sounded like dub. So I'm not familiar with any of those guys, they were after my time.
I think it probably depends on the listener but yeah, if I try to listen to most mid 80s hip hop, it's so rudimentary that it's really hard for me to a tuslly get into. Like Run DMC, or NWA. I can get into NWA but the novelty runs out quickly so I can only listen to them very rarely. But there are a lot of newer bands that I hear and say "I've already heard x y and z do this better" so it's hard to get excited about new stuff too. If you are a really avid music listener I think it has to take something exceptional coming out to really get impressed by
Pshhhh get me some molly and that song will still go so hard lol
Wow, that's fucked. Was the dudes name Randy or something? I think I vaguely remember hearing about that
Oooo I wanna check it out! Who should I search for?
Oh man for whatever reason this is a top tier cringe band from my teen years lol. Used to jam them on my discman on my way to PE
Cinematic masterpiece
Edit: actually this one is the cinematic masterpiece. I actually do wanna go to the Gathering
I'm curious what old songs you might be thinking of? I was a wannabe raver in middle school and an actual one at the end of highschool lol. I may know what's up
Haha that was one of my first CDs as well. Loved that shit
Nice, good to know they've still got it. I got to see them once waaaay back, like 2004 or something for the Subliminal Verses tour I believe.
I got to see them perform with Lingua Ignota, weirdest combo ever.
Watanabe made Samurai Champloo too! True masterpieces. This is super exciting