And that may help if a group of developers decide to fork it in their own direction.
C-C-C-C-Conflict of interest!
You can just undo the last commit with git reset --soft HEAD~1
Why not Apple, the closest company to having a monopoly on software running on smart phones in the USA.
But that's my password!
Yikes, I also looked into the background of Ferdinand Porsche, and man, he was a real Nazi summabitch.
From the first line:
We may receive a commission on purchases made from links.
and when I copied that string, they added this to my clipboard:
Read More:
This is just an ad from a garbage blog.
Which one? One should expect spoilers in a review thread, no?
Not the same thing :(
Thanks, I've looked at all of those but they either have substandard, Microtek CPUs that are so far below adequate that the productivity hit would impact me more than the loss of physical keys (Unihertz) or have problems delivering actual phones altogether (Fxtec Pro1) or aren't really phones but more micro-laptops (Planet Computer).
I'm just looking for a nice, mid-ranged phone with a mobile keyboard. Actually I think the closest to achieving that goal is the Fairberry mod which fuses a surplus BlackBerry Q10 keyboard on to a Fairphone with a 3D-printed case, but that requires electronic assembly and soldering.
There is no requirement to do so, although GMail's adoption of this non-standard seems to have popularized the practice.
You can fit a 10 year old laptop in your front pocket, hold it and type with one hand, and read the display perfectly in broad daylight?
I'm not even mad. That's amazing.