Please hear me out – wouldn't requiring females who identify as men and look like men, to use women's washrooms, be virtually indistinguishable from a cis man using women's washrooms? It seems like this law might actually result in more manly-looking folks in the women's washroom, as all trans men would be required to.
Also, how do you enforce that? Is there going to be someone checking ID at the door, but only if you look "manly?" In that case, wouldn't a male who identified as a woman, and looks like a woman, be able to slip by undetected anyway, or is this "bathroom bouncer" going to check everyone's IDs?
Even if I agreed with the thesis that people born with penises shouldn't be allowed in women's washrooms (and I don't), any implementation seems like it has far too many flaws to be remotely effective.
Instead, how about bathrooms have actual, private rooms instead of stalls with doors you can see over, under, or around? Wouldn't that be a more practical solution to the problem of bathroom privacy?
Thanks for reading. I'm curious to hear your thoughts.
Sounds like DMCA abuse to me. You can't copyright a fact. In this case, the fact that these IPs are used by a company is a fact.
Trader Joe's is cheap?
Cooking at home ain't really fast, not compared to a fast food joint at least.
You mean like a helicopter?
aldalire for president!
Just writing down all the numbers from the calculator.
Please tell me you actually had that many digits of significant figures and weren't just copying down overly-specific figures from your calculator...
I don't need insurance, I don't need no parkin space
and if you try to clamp my horse he'll kick you in the face
I don't pay no tax, fuck NCT
you'll arrive in style if you ride with me
Presumably, Google Pay, Firefox, etc. all continue to work, so do I really care if Samsung's web browser and mobile payment system is broken? (sincere question)
being required to use github so that your latest software purchase can run on your system
I don't know what this is referring to.
Warmer ... Got any of those with a hardware keyboard with eink display?