Why do you present a false dichotomy again, this time between cyclists crossing a dangerous road without stopping, or coming to a complete stop? I can think of at least two or three other solutions off the top of my head:
Lower the speed limit of the road and improve visibility so that commuters can see one another.
Place a yield sign so that drivers are legally required to slow to a speed at which they could safely stop if necessary.
Build an overpass or an underpass so that the lanes don't cross on the same plane.
If we can agree that the current infrastructure is suboptimal, let's focus on improving the infrastructure rather than assigning blame. Improving the infrastructure helps all road users.
I'm sorry, I thought we agreed that better cycling infrastructure is better for all road users, including drivers. If we don't agree on that, then I understand that you won't agree with my subsequent points.
I also don't see how an overpass or an underpass would negatively impact drivers at all...