[-] noddy@beehaw.org 31 points 2 months ago

The scary thing about this is thinking about potential undetected backdoors similar to this existing in the wild. Hopefully the lessons learned from the xz backdoor will help us to prevent similar backdoors in the future.

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 13 points 3 months ago

It's not useless. It's a gateway drug for getting into linux. "But can your windows PC do this?" is a great way to recruit people to try linux ;)

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 26 points 3 months ago

Until meta starts to slowly block small instances and we end up with the next email. Technically federated, but controlled by a few large corporations that dictates the block lists. Let us block them first so we get to define what the fediverse should look like, not them.

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 15 points 3 months ago

This many extensions in gnome will be fragile. Extensions have a tendency to stop working on gnome updates. The more extensions, the more issues you're gonna have. Though will probably work fine on a stable slow moving distro like debian or something.

Personally I use 3 extensions: dash to dock, app indicators and desktop icons.

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 24 points 4 months ago

It will go brrrrrrrt¤gdføTJwrgt65&<)5½$¥[[¥½{2ahgfh Segmentation fault (core dumped)

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 12 points 7 months ago

I feel like this is about tracking. As in microsoft want the PC to wake up and scan wifi networks to figure out where it is, so they can use this data for targeted ads they serve in the start menu and bing, etc.

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 13 points 7 months ago

Its likely that I wouldn't use linux today if it weren't for messing around with compiz settings on school computers back when I was a teenager. Wobbly windows and desktop cube was such fun. I guess that's how we can recruit new linux users. Get them while they're young. "But does your windows laptop do this?" wobble wobble closing application by lighting the window on fire.

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 13 points 8 months ago

Have you tried the "OsmAnd~" version on fdroid? I think that one is basically the full version without a paywall. You could try yourself if you find it worth it, and buy the official app if you want to support the project.

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 26 points 8 months ago

If I'm at why would I need to wear a

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 25 points 9 months ago

That kinda sounds like a bad cable. I've had the same issue with both HDMI and DP before and it was solved with a new cable both times 🙂 Display cables are quite hit and miss when it comes to quality.

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 71 points 10 months ago

EU is the real MVP. Hoping that a few more years now and we'll have iphone with USB C, app sideloading, user replacable battery. I've never owned an iphone before but if that happens, I might consider one.

[-] noddy@beehaw.org 17 points 11 months ago

I think this is a problem of the capitalist system the ad-based websites exist in. There is an expectation for continuous growth, and if showing ads is the main source of income, the only way to grow after a certain point (user base not growing a lot any more) is to be more and more intrusive to shove more and more ads in the users faces. At some point we're fed up with the ads to the point it is not worth visiting the site anymore.

If growth weren't expected we could have stopped at a reasonable level of ads that are not as intrusive and had a steady income to cover the cost of running the site as long as the users are satisfied. But unfortunately everything anyone wants to use the internet for these days becomes a get rich quick scheme, causing the eventual enshittification of most sites.

This is why I like self hosted services, community funded, non profits, etc. For example wikipedia, and beehaw 🙂. It feels good donating when I can trust that the site owners have good intentions. It does not feel good to pay a subscription to a mega-corporation to avoid ads.

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