
joined 1 year ago

I fully engage the toilet in handstand to overcome this problem

[–] 1 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Pay them to care more?

It's a reference to an attitude that is prevalent in conspiracy fantasy circles. It's a deflection of ownership of ideas to lend them more credibility, it's not actually about researching anything. There is no discussion about research conclusions or facts. there is discussion, but it's the exact opposite of research, it looks like, what questions give the right answers and how to connect the conclusions to the data. What they mean by saying 'research' isn't what it actually means. Conspiracy fantasy wants you to stumble upon coincidences to lure you into their worldview.

You sound like a Musk apologist

[–] 15 points 9 months ago (3 children)

Get fatigue mask.

Work out until completely destroyed

Put on mask

Wake up refreshed

Rinse repeat until I can crush stones between fingers

Dig a lithium mine by hand

Dominate the battery market and develop affordable electric vehicles

Use money to build large tubes

Use personal strength to javalin throw that shit into space

Get obscenely rich

Buy facebook actually make it better

Change name legally to: Fuck you Elon Musk

[–] 13 points 9 months ago (1 children)

It's the only way I can listen to music in my car. I could upgrade, but I don't need to because I have the jack.

[–] 5 points 9 months ago (1 children)

Adhd is not 'loss of control over attention'. It's an executive function disorder.

Meditation isn't 'getting control over attention' it's paying attention to your inner self in order to create a distance between you and your thoughts. It's more about the realisation that you aren't your thoughts, feelings, emotions, but that the real you is having them.

You don't need to be meditating to control your attention.

I literally write down all names in notes. I'm so incredibly bad with name recall that I forget names of people I worked with and known for years. That app is a life saver and I open it a lot.

I also use the trick to imagine their name as something completely over the top absurd. Which works because the image is so much easier to recall. For example Karen would be then behind the wheel of a Ford Ka running on its back tires. A Ka Run... But this is very difficult to do in the moment.

Otherwise yeah I can lose names at any moment of anything at any point in time. People, towns, events, brands, objects, concepts... Just gone. My mind went passed it with a 1000 miles a minute and forgot to grab it.

[–] 28 points 9 months ago (5 children)

I've been seeing this headline for more than twenty years.

Sounds like a lot of work

It's considered a positional stalemate, and that is politically advantageous for Russia. Both parties have been able to set up considerable defensive positions, making progress extremely costly. Both parties are still fighting for progress nonetheless, where Russia has the most trouble achieving it and Ukrainian forces are making small gains (field by field) on a consistent basis. But knowing that the frontlinie is many miles deep and there is intense trench warfare to make a few yards progress... There will be no swift or decisive victory on either side.

Putin has most of his followers convinced that he is fighting nato backed nazis. So even when Russian war tactics are brutally inefficient and the losses in personell and equipment are enormous, there is little internal political backlash. Internationally the conflict is seen as a regional dispute. Since Ukraine isn't a part of a large international alliance. Western sanctions on Russia aren't as impact full as they could have been.

It's looking likely that the war in Ukraine is going to last a very long time. With guerilla attacks on Russian territory becoming more likely and higher in frequency. Russia doesn't have the equipment left for large scale invasions, doesn't have the money to create meaningful reserves. And the kremlin needs defensive power in other places along its border.

European and western sentiment is that Putin will not stop until the old ussr borders are back under his control. And being securely and unquestionably positioned as world superpower.

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