
joined 2 years ago
[–] 7 points 1 month ago

If it's their original thought, or I'm including their comment on the thing they shared, then I include the username.

If they've just reposted an image with no extra commentary, I only share the image and not where I found it. Since "where I found it" is not the original source, no attribution is necessary imho.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

I was having a similar problem with another game, and I had a similar desire to learn general troubleshooting rather than have someone give me a specific fix. That said, I don't know if I can help because for me it's basically butt my head against a wall until I poke something enough that it works - usually I don't know enough to understand why the thing works.

I was installing my games onto a secondary drive. The problem turned out to be that that drive had been formatted by Windows back when my computer was set up to dual-boot. Some games still ran fine in Linux, but this particular game nothing would happen when I clicked Play. On a whim I tried installing it on the primary drive with the OS, and it worked first time. So there was something about that game that didn't work with the drive formatting.

(I've since reformatted the second hard drive so that everything should now play nice with Linux, now that I no longer have Windows. Game is fine now.)

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

So I'm an American expat living in Australia. Australia has had the option to file directly to ATO, electronically, longer than I've been here. (Google suggests since 1999? So, more than 20 years.) It's an easy process if you have a straightforward tax return.

It never ceases to amaze me how far behind the rest of the world USA is in some things that just seem like really obvious solutions. Like... Why wouldn't the IRS want to get tax returns filed directly from the tax payers, skipping the middleman? At least for simple returns. More simplicity, less confusion all around if they get everyone onto the same system. Less paper to wade through, by significantly reducing paper returns. Etc.

It just seems like such a no-brainer. But I guess that's why it doesn't work in the USA. >.<