
joined 9 months ago
[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Not everyone, but is majority is covered its fine (probably half of it would do the job). Usually parking places or places where you are allowed to park a car are marked so actually shouldn't be an issue.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

That's undoubtedly perk of having a house, parking or dedicated spot. But even without those at least here in NL infrastructure as is is pretty good even for those without didcated charging spot. I thin what should be easily done is slow charging spot on every parting spot. Cost wise it's not much and pulling max 2.5kw should not be much of an issue for the grid. In that way every car would have a dedicated charging to fill up over night if needed. Cost of such implementation wouldn't be to big either.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

It looks like the goal will be more people getting pissed at the climate activists. Which will make it harder for those who are actually doing something more then just publicity stunts.

[–] 2 points 3 months ago

Yeah infra is the issue. Which is stupid as providing simple (16A) socket per car would be sufficient solution for most cars. You come back from work or your commute and just plug the car to slow charger. Over night you are charged enough for next day.

[–] 4 points 3 months ago (4 children)

Nah. Anxiety is something you have for first month owning your first EV. Once you adjust to the different way of using the car you realize you drive the same way as petroleum car. One important thing is being able to charge at home IMO. Even from just a socket (16A) is sufficient for most daily cases.

[–] 34 points 3 months ago

Finally a great action from those folks!made my day.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago

But all those actions are exactly same as signing petition. Just louder and in many cases made more about the protesters then the protest. It's more like doing something so that you feel you tried and media writes about it which males you feel like you did the change. But nature doesn't give two shits about the protests neither is the current economy of consumption which leads us to the disaster. Being on the internet, discussing this matter right now is contributing to the problem and only shows that our life style, which we are happy with is the problem.

And yeah blocking the street causes much more pollution plus losses off everyone, so not sure what's the goal there either

[–] 1 points 3 months ago (2 children)

But how is that action going to stop the water from rising. I am too very much concerned with climate change but I don't see much point in those actions. They don't really bring anything to the table nor have any impact on the matter, apart from antagonizing people to the issue perhaps.

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Ok. Npw Its definitely time to migrate my instance to something more powerful then my raspberry pi

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

That youtuber is pretty much paid advertisement for startups. I would not take this guy serious. I have seen also number of videos about this type of turbine and also some debunks. Harmony turbine is project that has not yet shown results apart from lots of publicity. I will try to find a nice video I saw about it, but yeah I wouldnt put too much hope in that. Specially when something's featured on that youtube channel.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Solarthermal is something I thought about but seeing how little is produced on the roof now I wonder how much impact it will have. I know the efficiency of solar collectors is about 80% while solar panels are 20-30%, but installation of solar collectors adds more complexity with plumbing and in summer you again have situation where you have nowhere to spend the heat on and need to either close the system (drain it) or cover the collector. Plus it's not that cheap. It's mainly reason why we went for solar panels as although solar panels require more space to provide eqiuvalent power, the low maintenance and the fact the energy can be spent on more stuff then just heating water. So I'm looking at diversifying the energy source. Thats why looking into wind.

[–] 1 points 8 months ago

Thanks for the info and a link to the atlas. looks like in my area the result is: Data for 10% windiest areas 145 W/m² 4.81 m/s Height: 10m

Though not sure I understand the site so will need to read about it more. Thanks for the info about Piggott turbine. I will look into it. I rather DIY something the buy some cheap stuff that does not work.


I'm starting to think about diversifying my energy prodution. I have a solar panel array (5kWp) on the roof for a year now. I see that adding more panels does not make much sense as the production in summer as is is already hard to consume it all, and in winter the production is rather symbolic while consumption is through the roof.

So I thought of looking into wind turbines. There is plenty of wind the whole year where I live. But, rather then buying a big 5kW turbine which is quite expensive on its own (plus a pole and all the other stuff) I thought, how about using multiple small turbines (up to 1kW) connected together, similar to how solar panels are. Either into one inverter or using microinverters. Does anyone have any interesting links to follow or some experience in similar setups?

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