
joined 1 year ago

Question: can these thing be used with a neutral supply.

I know there is the actual ZBmini which can but the ZBMinil2 looks to the smallest unit available which I need to fit into the space it's going.


I was looking to automate a shower Extractor Fan as I don't find the ones with the inbuilt humidity sensor very good.

So: Aqara Humidity sensor placed somewhere in the shower. Near the fan. Occupance sensor. Sonoff switch to trigger the fan.

If the humidity is > than threshold and the occupance sensor is active = turn on fan.

I was looking for a good ZigBee occupancy sensor though , the aqara fp sensor look all wired and not battery operated.

Maybe this one :,scm-url:1007.14452.335518.0,pvid:a535df07-7d30-43fb-98f1-494d4d841170,tpp_buckets:668%232846%238108%231977&pdp_npi=4%40dis%21EUR%2159.06%2147.25%21%21%2163.21%21%21%402101c6e316911769720411084efc92%2112000030122162722%21rec%21IE%21%21A&search_p4p_id=202308041222520688160562971647313150_0