That's good to hear — the news coming from London over the weekend sounds like at least some elites over there are doubling down. They've invested so much in this, I fear it will be difficult to give up, (for them), Until these people are thrown out of office. Hopefully, total war doesn't happen before!
Because the 'Deep State' didn't like the results, they are now intimidating the right leader of Romania. The people have spoken who they want, but the EU can't have that!
If Parliament is “we the people” and they vote to make decisions on every aspect of governance as your representative, how come them electing the Prime Minister is so offensive to you?
You're not paying attention. Where did I say that parliament electing the PM is offensive to me? What I am saying that the PM being appointed by non-elected members of the LPC is offensive to me. It's not parliament doing it, but the Liberal Party of Canada members voting for their next leader of the party, which is then automatically the PM. Helluva difference.
This is what my issue was to — unfortunately, I didn't see this post before removing Jellyfin server. Couldn't find this in the official help docs - so someone might want to add this to the help and quick-start guides.
I'm an experienced user, I know what I'm doing. I've been using GNU/Linux since '96.
No, I tried everyway with complete paths, I used that as one example. The software is a POS.
I've set the paths properly and explicit. This is on Debian Stable. Uninstalled, not going to waste anymore time on this.
Let's just ignore that both France and Germany admitted that the Minsk 1 and 2 were never going to be carried out by Ukraine, or the EU. Don't believe the meme! We've been lied to since the beginning of 2014 about the Ukraine Project.