[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 9 points 1 week ago

You have 64GB RAM and that's still not enough for your browser. Wow.

I've come away from this with only more questions. What does your Downloads folder/Filesystem look like? Do you have notebooks or any real world allocation of information? What's that like? What kinds of things do you keep in a junk drawer?

Absolutely fascinating.

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 80 points 1 month ago

The trick is to never get comfortable with Vim or Emacs.

*taps forehead*

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 14 points 7 months ago

There really isn’t one. Wayland is maturing and app support is following.

This is the way things always go in open source. I’m betting soon there will be a distro that will announce a never Wayland stance just like Devuan prior.

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 48 points 7 months ago

Seems they need some updates. OBS, Zoom and Xfce are all happy to work toward Wayland, and OBS/Zoom both work pretty well on it, so 🤷

And no telling what else has changed since; checks notes; 2016?

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 34 points 7 months ago

Unfortunately we need to force companies to do the right thing. And we should.

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 38 points 8 months ago

tl;dr If you just let me break laws and violate human decency, we'd all be so rich flying around in space doing whatever we want all the time! C'monnnn. Pleeeease?

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 58 points 8 months ago

You can blame a cat or dog approximately once per 5 years of employment. Nice save!

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 198 points 9 months ago

I’m all for bashing Tesla. It’s good fun. But this applies to all EVs and lithium ion batteries that came into contact with salt water.

Bad TechSpot! Bad!

I wonder if a laptop would blow up, too. Probably, right?

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 10 points 9 months ago

Good find. Relevant bit:

Hi all (CEO & Founder, DuckDuckGo here). Looks like something may have broken in a release that went out today -- it is triggering a JS error. We're looking into it now and should have it resolved soon.

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 9 points 9 months ago

I’d love to know the “why” behind this bug. Assuming it’s not actually a feature!

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 10 points 10 months ago

I would HOPE the Vivaldi devs working on vivaldi.social get paid. That's a lot of pressure.

Those folks do good work, so:

Buy some junk!

or Donate time or money!

[-] leo@lemmy.linuxuserspace.show 11 points 11 months ago

Sounds like you may be on iOS, and while it’s no music app, Memmy. Licensed AGPL3. It’s the app I’m using to send this message :)

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