
joined 1 year ago
[–] kuroshi@lemmy.ramble.moe 3 points 1 year ago

Kubernetes, but I’m getting a bit tired of dealing with it. I might try using microVMs for what I’m currently using Pods, and hopefully make the whole system easier to maintain. The overhead for kubernetes is a heck of a lot more than I anticipated, I had to set up a whole second machine for what I used to be able to do on a single one.


Back in the olden times, I was an avid user of Google Reader. I had dozens of RSS feeds and went through my feeds religiously. When Reader was killed I jumped to Feedly, and while it was alright for a while I just couldn't get into it and eventually fell off and found Reddit.

Well, it's been around a decade and I'm interested in jumping back into RSS. I've seen a lot of suggestions, but right now Reeder and News Explorer are the two I'm looking at. Ideally I'm looking for one that can at least sync between macOS, iPadOS, and iOS; but watchOS would be a an excellent bonus (and tvOS is ludicrous, but News Explorer supports it, so sure?).

Do you use an RSS reader anymore? What do you use or recommend, and why? I'd love to know.