So you never heard of the og FFXIV debacle?
This is yet another predatory cheap asiagrinder with an invasive kernel level ‘anticheat’. Stuff like this should not be promoted. At all.
While that is a distinct possibility, SQUENIX is also not know for good code.
He can go fuck his couch. How dare this opportunistic cretin to critizise europe for being very much aware of social engineering threats while he himself was profiteering of the hard to doubt interference of oligarchs and agent provocateurs to manufacture consent.
Steel and Coal Union
Foster understanding through trade and industry
I would argue that the reason was to foster understanding and cooperation by dismantling national barriers for trade and industry between the early participating members but the outcome is of course the same.
In this timeline, madness is no dissuading argument.
So you like giving some random company access to your OS kernel?
You don’t need that for anticheat software and the security risks involved in this day and age practically forbids it.