[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 19 points 3 weeks ago

No, there's an offhand mention or two, but nothing impactful. The most important tie is Pike being aware of his fate, but they recap that pretty thoroughly.

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 31 points 2 months ago

This toggle allows you to opt out of having profiling used for future decisions that produce legal or similarly significant effects about you.

The what now?

This sounds strangely ominous.

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 18 points 5 months ago

Most people shouldn't buy a home printer at all anymore. Unless you're a crafter or work in a field that still uses lots of paper (i.e. law) they're not worth it.

It's a rapidly shrinking market and HP knows there's no saving it so I guess they're following the cable company playbook.

Squeeze your remaining customers as hard as possible before the music stops

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 28 points 5 months ago

And it hasn't been tested because researching the "best" method for executing humans is abhorrent and the scientific and medical communities have ethical standards.

But the State of Alabama doesn't, a feature it shares with other regimes responsible for the worst atrocities in history.

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 17 points 5 months ago

Short answer, maybe, but go through your installed apps first & get rid of crap you don't use. Even if you still decide to do a factory reset, no sense re-downloading garbage apps. Your phone is still modern enough it shouldn't feel slow day-to-day so it's probably one or more shitty apps causing the problem.

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 26 points 5 months ago

You might have a point there. Maybe... just maybe... this Musk fellow is completely full of shit about most things he says.

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 17 points 6 months ago

Because then the ISPs would have to respond to changing customer preferences and spend their own money on infrastructure improvements to meet the new demand.

Or they can lobby/bribe the government to demand fees from wealthy tech companies.

Guess which one's cheaper.

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 27 points 7 months ago

That's why there are SLAPP-back laws.

He's also got a habit of ignoring legal advice and running his mouth in public, so he's likely going to end up writing another big check for that misadventure if his lawyers can't talk him out of going through with it

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 19 points 7 months ago

They're not late. I've been using Fire Sticks for years and Amazon has been working hard the whole time to shove more and more ads all over the UI. The main row of apps gets smaller with every update and more and more ads are plastered around and between them to try to sell you more shit you don't want or already have.

I managed to jailbreak mine before they locked them down and install a custom launcher so they're actually usable, but the stock UI is god-awful. I'll be replacing them once the next round of Apple TVs come out.

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 17 points 7 months ago

Interesting customer retention move for a service that hasn't been able to make much new content for the past six months and is about to see its new releases dry up.

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 29 points 10 months ago

Deep Space 9: The Prophets are future Bajorans that evolved beyond space & time, which is why they refer to themselves as "of Bajor" and have such a high interest in the fate of its people. The Pah-wraiths are just future evolved asshole Bajorans like Kai Winn & Jaro Essa.

[-] knotthatone@lemmy.one 21 points 11 months ago

What makes you think a monarchy would do anything to combat a corpo hellscape? If history's any indication, they'd probably make all the CEOs lords and turn everybody else into an indentured peasantry.

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