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[–] jjpamsterdam@feddit.org 32 points 9 hours ago

Man, I remember using Eutelsat to send and receive E-Mails in Afghanistan in the early 2000s. Of course back then we needed a giant receiver in the back yard of the compound. It was slow as hell, incredibly expensive, but the only reliable way of getting an internet connection after the end of the (first) Taliban regime. The world really has changed so much in the last twenty years, unfortunately more for worse than for better in my opinion.

[–] jjpamsterdam@feddit.org 6 points 9 hours ago

Vielen Dank für diese wertvolle Aufklärungsarbeit!

[–] jjpamsterdam@feddit.org 1 points 9 hours ago

Turns out the supply chain for such a complex machine is in itself very complex. Some components are manufactured by suppliers in various countries formerly believed to be allies. This includes stuff like the ejection seats and some electronics that are made in the UK, parts for the wing sets that are made in Italy or inserts for the weapon bays that are made in Canada. Additionally the Netherlands currently houses the supply hub for spare parts for the European countries. It is estimated that there are spare parts to keep hundreds of F-35s in the air for a while there. The most worrying aspect certainly remains the software support, without which all the precious hardware loses much of its utility, even if there isn't a master kill switch.

[–] jjpamsterdam@feddit.org 3 points 1 day ago (1 children)

As a Dutchman living in Germany I can attest to the immense difference that dubbing makes. While even young children in the Netherlands consume tons of English language media and have done so for decades, their peers in Germany generally get only dubbed versions. This leads to a lackluster immersion when "properly" learning English.

[–] jjpamsterdam@feddit.org 2 points 1 day ago

Das ist eine gute Idee; merke ich mir!

[–] jjpamsterdam@feddit.org 15 points 2 days ago (2 children)

Ja, der Netzwerk-Effekt ist sicherlich stark, aber es hält Dich niemand davon ab einen fließenden Übergang zu machen. Ich nutze seit Jahren Signal als Messenger neben dem leider immer noch weiter verbreiteten Marktführer. Sobald ich aber mit einem Kontakt über Signal kommuniziere, gab es nie einen Schritt zurück. Mit der Zeit sind stetig mehr Kontakte auf Signal und vielleicht kann ich eines Tages den Übergang komplett machen. So einen weichen Übergang würde ich jedem empfehlen - kostet nichts extra, kann aber mittelfristig den Netzwerk-Effekt kippen lassen.

[–] jjpamsterdam@feddit.org 5 points 4 days ago

While I agree with you that it was a very wise decision by the Général to retain an independent nuclear deterrent and develop modern aircraft independently, the French tank development has been sorely lacking. There are roughly five times as many Leopard IIs in service as there are Leclercs. I hope the joint development of a next generation tank can deliver, as European armies really should try to work towards a common and independent development of systems.