@kirschner @fdroid
- Amethyst, a client for the free/open #Nostr protocol
- @delta, a chat app using #email with support for #Autocrypt standard
- @AntennaPod podcast player
- Voice, for playing #DRM-free audiobooks
- KreptEY, keyboard for #e2ee communication using any messenger
- Rethink: DNS + Firewall
- Fast Shopping, old but beautiful gold.
joined 2 years ago
@z3rOR0ne @wAkawAka How about @servo ?
#Servo aims to provide an independent, modular, embeddable web rendering engine, allowing developers to deliver content and applications using #webstandards. Servo is written in #Rustlang, taking advantage of the memory safety properties and concurrency features of the language.
Crowdfunding page:
@brokenix @kirschner @fdroid @delta @AntennaPod A keyboard app that encrypts messages which you can then send with any app.