Whoops (psychedelia.ink)
[-] influence1123@psychedelia.ink 6 points 11 months ago

Except that movie had no catharsis only tension.

[-] influence1123@psychedelia.ink 9 points 11 months ago

Waking Life

[-] influence1123@psychedelia.ink 5 points 11 months ago

Another reason to move away from companies that harvest and sell your data as much as possible.

[-] influence1123@psychedelia.ink 3 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I am in the exact same boat. I just switched to Proton as it looked like they had these features right away. But it turns out you have to explain what you want to use smtp for before they allow you to generate tokens. Which is probably due to them attracting a high amount of scammers due to their really good privacy. So I can understand but it is a tad annoying. If you are willing to wait I'd give them a try. Their business plan is cheaper than googles and gives you a lot and they are open source.

[-] influence1123@psychedelia.ink 7 points 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago)

I agree that everyone running an instance, that they expect to gain any users at all, should form a non-profit, at the very least for liability reasons. But trying to find a business model for running an instance is exactly against the point of why we are all here in my mind. If users like an instance and want to make sure it stays around then they should donate to it. That will make sure they have funding to keep paying the monthly server costs.

But if you do donate it is also fair to expect some amount of transparency in where the money is going and that the instance does have plans and failsafes. I think it is all stuff we are figuring out as we go together.

[-] influence1123@psychedelia.ink 2 points 11 months ago

The Other Guys

[-] influence1123@psychedelia.ink 4 points 11 months ago

Amazing, thank you!

[-] influence1123@psychedelia.ink 11 points 11 months ago

I would also like to know.


I'm especially curious about news articles as those have a very short window for when they would be interesting/relevant. As apposed to a meme someone could have saved for years and it will still be funny. Like do you have specific news sites you frequent or RSS feeds or what?

[-] influence1123@psychedelia.ink 31 points 11 months ago

The site tells you that its not secure when you go to send a message.

[-] influence1123@psychedelia.ink 50 points 11 months ago

Buy high sell low. He must have learned from r/wallstreetbets

submitted 11 months ago* (last edited 11 months ago) by influence1123@psychedelia.ink to c/pics@lemmy.world

taken by Max Rive

Gnar (psychedelia.ink)
Title (psychedelia.ink)
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