
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 5 days ago* (last edited 5 days ago)

wait wait wait... Hungary is not the best place for homosexuals, (and mostly for anyone else as well), but that's simply not true. I know I live here.


  • Homosexuals can't marry and can't adopt by law. The constitution says "the father is a man and the mother is a woman". I know, it doesn't make any sense but the new constitution in 2011 was written by this closeted gay guy
  • There is a thing called "registered relationship" which legally really similar to marriage, and it's available to homosexual couples as well. In these relationships they can have shared wealth, and at the death of one of them the other party inherits everything.
  • They can't apply for adoption as a couple, but law says single people can apply. Gay couples usually apply separately, and while not always, usually they succeed. It's not the same, and they have to lie about their status, and legally only one of them becomes the parent.
  • In big cities homosexual couples are perfectly accepted usually. Really rarely there were some attack on them on far right assholes, but it's becoming more and more rare, I don't remember when I read about one the last time. There were some counter protests on Budapest Pride at the early years (2006-10), but since around 2015 it's perfectly accepted, and peaceful, anti gays show up, but they feel that they are by far outnumbered and noone cares about them.

So I mean there are an awful amount of hypocrisy they speak about "traditional family values" and things you based your comment on, but in real life it's not as terrible as it sounds from your comment.

[–] 1 points 1 week ago (2 children)

Ich ferstehe nicht.

[–] 7 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

The flood just arrived to Budapest, lower embankments were closed on Monday, Danube will reach it's highest level on Saturday or Sunday. It won't reach the levels of the highest modern flood from 2013, so noone is really afraid. Weather is nice, no rain.

Edit: nice article with images on today's situatuon:

Some images of the closed roads from r*ddit:

Every politician is posting pictures with shovels in wellington boots, some actually helps. They disassembled a temporary dyke already under water so Orbán could pose in the flood, see the background in this image:

[–] 11 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (2 children)

What is a Lemmy Original Meme? Is that you on the video?

Don't get me wrong, I love it.

Edit: I found it this is the source meme:

[–] 6 points 2 weeks ago

I was thinking "is this the pedo guy?" so i guess it's not

[–] 21 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

The most communist part is that the whole process is fully managed by the government tax office, not some 3rd party private company.

The not communist part is that it takes unbelievable amount of corruption to program and maintain these services under the hood. They figured out that it's hard to measure how much human work needed to develop such a thing, so they can just invoice whatever unbelievable amount they want. American companies help with that as well. Windows and Office license for state offices 3-4 times higher than the normal price for consumers, because for some reason they can't buy it directly from Microsoft, they have to buy from local appointed dealers... Actually MS was fined for this for USD 8.7 Million, the local party in one of this deal was promoted to higher government position afterwards.

So actually this doesn't exist for making the peasant's life easier, just to have jobs to steal from.... It's just accidental that our small life becomes a bit less miserable during the process.

[–] 17 points 2 weeks ago (1 children)

This painting was in the dining room, so during eating he watched this painting. I guess it has so clear eyes so he could maintain eye contact while drinking his morning coffee.

All walls of the house were covered with similar depressing and disturbing murals, they are called the 14 Black Paintings.

[–] 164 points 2 weeks ago (10 children)

I tell you how it works in my shitty eastern european country:

  • I get an email that my report is ready, I have to go to a website where I can see it.
  • After logging in I can see a list, where I worked last year, how much was paid, if I should pay anything more or I can get back something.
  • If everything is alright I can hit OK. If something is not right I can open an issue on the same website, but I never had to do that ever.

That's all. Usually takes less than 5 minutes for the whole process.


This is not a joke...

TranscriptMake Europe Great Again.🇪🇺 The official slogan of the Hungarian Presidency of the Council of the European Union. 🇭🇺🇪🇺 #HU24EU


The dialogue is from Pizzaman by Cisco Kid, a club song from 2001. Music video here:

Animation from 2005.

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