
joined 1 year ago
[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 6 points 1 day ago

Chocolate with raisins is super common though...

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 1 points 1 week ago


Fans of Lord of the Rings.

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 2 points 1 week ago

Yeah I think that's the big thing: don't have a dish that requires shifting from utensil to fingers and back... especially if there's sauce.

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 3 points 2 weeks ago (3 children)

Buffalo wings violate that rule and I'm not prepared to give them up.

For me, the rule would be: if it's a dish meant to be eaten with utensils, don't include inedible parts that have to be separated by hand.

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 5 points 2 weeks ago

Maybe not the best parallel but a good point nonetheless.

A more apt comparison might be:

"What's the best all-beef hot dog I can buy at my local supermarket?"

"Ugh! OMG! Don't do that to yourself! Why would you even want to bother with eating beef if that's the shit you're going to put in your body?! Just get some Japanese A5 Wagyu ribeye and thank me later!"

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 10 points 1 month ago

Exactly. This is the system working as intended.

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 2 points 1 month ago


One of the things I won't miss about my last apartment (which was overall pretty fantastic) was how the plumbing was under-built when they constructed the otherwise overbuilt building back in the 60s or 70s.

This meant that on my end of the building, all 4 apartments (mine, the other one on my level at the end of the hall, and the two above us) all shared the same undersized drainage piping.

I was there 6 years, and averaged about 1.5 horrific backups per year that required a call to management, who had to come out, try to fix, then give up and call professionals (and twice in that 6 year span, the professionals even gave up and had to call in even more capable professionals).

In every case, I always asked them if there was anything I could be personally doing...or not doing...that might help.

In each case, the plumbers always said I was doing everything I could, even above and beyond considering the more capable drain filters I used on both sink and tub, and that the real issues were the long hair from the ladies in all 3 other apartments (not a criticism on them, just an observation that many of the clogs were long hair, vs my buzz cut), and in a few of the worst cases, flushed hygiene products (which prompted a mass email from the landlord that these things were not to be flushed, both feminine hygiene stuff and "flushable wipes")...and in the worst backup, the two young girls in the family above me had flushed a wash cloth.

That last one was the worst by far. Had disgusting, chunky shit water/gray water cocktail backing up into toilet AND shower.

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

Also, it's not just targeted at people perceived as "other" in many of these traditionally masculine realms.

Often, it seems like so many of these men see patronizing and second guessing as the only ways to establish and defend their own credibility on their given subject. It's not just the "oh it's a woman/someone who doesn't look the part...I bet they don't know what they're doing" factor, it's also that they're a product of the culture that tells them that the most important thing is that they're perceived as more knowledgeable than anyone else, and that the only way to establish that is to have their own opinions and views on every subject in the field, and then aggressively defend and promote those views while dismissing, undermining, and discouraging any views that conflict with theirs...or the people who hold those views.

And it's not just big picture "world view" type stuff. It's crap like, "which brand makes the best widget in your hobby?". If they're a "brand red" guy, they feel the need to not only let everyone know that they like brand red...they have to let everyone know that brand red is the best, and that it's objective, and that if you prefer brand blue, you're just a clueless newbie who hasn't learned yet. If you like brand green, well you've just been taken in by their marketing. And if you're one of those brand orange people, well you know what they say about those people...

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 6 points 1 month ago

I avoid the non-preferential result by...well...not dropping things in the toilet.

I'm in my late 30s and have literally never dropped anything in the toilet that I wasn't intending to.

Sounds like a personal issue; maybe try not to be so clumsy?

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago (1 children)

kevlar sales

This is going to show up in some prepper's search results and he's gonna be so confused.

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 5 points 1 month ago

PA is only purple on the side that faces the rest of the country.

At state government level, it's a special breed of the worst aspects of both parties.

[–] hydrospanner@lemmy.world 28 points 1 month ago (3 children)

I like this one as well. Part of the reason I think this movie just works is because it doesn't even try to be a gritty realistic action thriller adventure movie, but rather it instead combines larger-than-life, over the top action with a healthy dose of wise cracking, levity, and failures...just like an actual RPG session. It's fun to watch but not mentally and emotionally exhausting like, say...a war movie.


Just stumbled across this in my travels.

Obviously this isn't "confirmed" as in "it's definitely coming out and here's a release date", but rather, simply confirmation that time and effort are being spent on it.

We also got confirmation that expansions are planned for the next two years, so even at the earliest, GW3 would likely be a 2027 thing, possibly with the second expansion in the current pipeline serving as a sort of link/segue.

Shifting gears for a moment, though...while there's a lot of room to steer the current story over 2 more expansions, I'm not sure there's much room left in the current lore for much of any real significant game. Maybe GW3 sees a prequel game? Maybe we actually participate in...you know...the Guild Wars?

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