
joined 1 year ago

This is incorrect. You just can't switch manufacturers easily if you're stable on one. But that's not a brand vs generic thing, that's an any manufacturer to any-other manufacturer thing. Same with warfarin, narrow-therapeutic index antiepileptics, etc.

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 4 points 1 month ago (1 children)

No idea unfortunately, but definitely not to release pressure. You don't get air in your brain, it's all fluid. Outside of the hospital, all the drains drain to somewhere internal, usually the abdominal cavity

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 46 points 1 month ago

Am doctor. Outside of very rare and specific causes of headache, no this wouldn't fix anything, just put you at risk for infections.

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 22 points 1 month ago (5 children)

Am a doctor, this wasn't actually a migraine and is not how migraines happen. Shunts are placed for elevated intracranial pressure, which can occur for a number of reasons, and do cause headaches. But it's a very uncommon cause of headaches and a shunt will not fix your actual migraines or tension headaches.

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 7 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Cellular insulin resistance is the definition of Type II diabetes

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 10 points 3 months ago (1 children)

Body-bag ice cooling has actually been pretty common practice across emergency medicine for some time. Legit body bags (clean ones obviously) are purpose built to be watertight and hold an adult human, and they're easily accessible to hospitals. It's a very effective and affordable method for controlling hyperthermia

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 4 points 6 months ago

Not OP but loss of the Pi results in loss of network connectivity. A headache if you're home and never doing anything time-critical on the network. A disaster if you or anyone else is dependent on the network for anything time-sensitive (virtual doctors appointment, work call, etc), or you're away from home and unable to directly VPN to your router to reconfigure DNS settings.

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 9 points 7 months ago

It's not that we don't use mode, there are definitely times mode is used. It's just that mean (and median as well) contain a lot more useful information about distributions that we often care about. For a normal distribution mean, median, and mode should all be identical. So why do we use mean? Because mathematically, the mean is what underpins the formula for the normal distribution, not median or mode, and when you're talking about doing math with normal distributions mean is the thing to talk about (along with standard deviation).

We use median a lot too, you probably just don't hear it called median very often. The median is useful in non-normal distributions, and it defines the 50th percentile, so along with the 25%-ile and 75%-ile you've got your quartile distributions. We use these all the time to talk about grades in schools, or when we talk about home prices distributions in a given area, or salaries within a given field.

We use mode too, again just by a different name most of the time. Any time you've asked "what's the most common blank" you're basically asking for a mode. When we talk about "average" income in a country, we're usually actually talking about median or mode. Favorite animal? Answered as a mode.

You have to use the right statistical tool for your question: unfortunately English doesn't do a good job of conveying this without math jargon.

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 2 points 8 months ago

Oh, absolutely, there was going to have to be a discussion well before I would be willing to do that. I'd never take unilateral control of a player's character like that

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 11 points 8 months ago

My table tends to not metagame at all, even in situations I really wish they would. I think of all the answers I've gotten, this is the most reasonable and actionable answer. Just remind the player more often. I'm gonna have to come up with a good way to not sound like a condescending asshole because this is the only player I'm going to have to do it to. It just sucks cause it's one more thing I've gotta do while running combat. But that's life I guess

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 3 points 8 months ago (3 children)

That's a really cool narrative way to go about fixing this, though it does feel kinda rail-roady. I'll give it some thought.

[–] godzillabacter@lemmy.world 11 points 8 months ago (4 children)

I go back and forth on this. I feel like I'm enabling these choices by pulling punches. But it feels excessively anti-fun to just kill them and be like "sorry lol be better". I don't think I have the heart to just murder characters all the time.


I've been a DM for about 3 years, and have predominantly run one-shots and short campaigns in DnD5e and PF2e. I have a player who persistently builds primary caster based characters, but then won't do anything in combat but "I stab it with my dagger." They rarely use cantrips, and basically won't cast a leveled spell unless I suggest it immediately before their turn. They seem to enjoy playing despite the fact that they're far too squishy to be a front-line melee character and don't utilize most of their class features. I've talked with them explicitly about how their play style seems to be discordant with the kind of play they want to do, and that maybe next time they should try a paladin/champion or a fighter/rougue subclass with some minor casting. They agreed at the time that sounded like a good idea, but low and behold showed up to the next one-shot with a primary caster, and over 3 hours of play and 3 combats never cast a single spell, including a cantrip.

I enjoy playing with this persons as a whole. They are engaged in the fiction, and are particularly engaged during exploration activities. They tell me they also find combat quite fun, and they are requesting I run a mega dungeon in the near future.

As a general rule, I like to let people play how they have the most fun, but issues have arisen with this play style. Namely, all of my TPKs have been associated with this player charging a squishy character directly up to a significantly stronger villain and continuing to stab it with a dagger until they went down, significantly hindering the party in the action economy and resulting in a TPK. I feel I have to intentionally weaken all of my encounters to keep the party feasible in the face of such mechanically poor combat choices.

What else can I do to help drive this individual towards melee builds, and/or help encourage them to change their play style to better suite the caster classes they choose?


tl;dr - What resources do you know of (blogs, videos/youtube channels, books, etc) that cater to improving your skills as a TTRPG player? I'm looking for the player equivalent of MCDM's Running the Game, The Alexandrian blog, etc directed towards players.

Hello all, I've been involved in TTRPGs for about 3 years now, and I've spent the bulk of that time DM'ing D&D5e, but I've also dabbled in a number of different systems including PF2e, Monster of the Week, and Scum and Villainy. During this time, I've found a great many resources aimed at helping me become a better DM, though I realized recently I haven't seen anything aside from the book Live To Tell The Tale by Keith Ammann (of The Monsters Know What They're Doing fame) directed squarely at players.

Part of me wonders if this is a continuation of the theme that DMs put in more work than their players for a game to exist, and individuals who want to devote significant time to the craft are almost always DMs. Maybe it's driven by the fact that most of the things that can make you a better player are things you learn to become a good DM.

Regardless of the reason, I see plenty of advice aimed for entry-level players about not having their phones out and participating in the game, but no real resources of substances for becoming the best player one can be. Has anyone come across any good resources focused on deep character creation, player-centric role play, etc?

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