[-] emptyother@programming.dev 7 points 22 hours ago

Well, we have to do something about IP laws then.

[-] emptyother@programming.dev 15 points 3 days ago

Its doing pretty well when its doing a few words at a time under supervision. Also it does it better than newbies.

Now if only those people below newbies, those who don't even bother to learn, didn't hope to use it to underpay average professionals.. And if it wasn't trained on copyrighted data. And didn't take up already limited resources like power and water.

[-] emptyother@programming.dev 85 points 2 months ago

And if he doesn't, thats a "loss" for some reason. Nothing is actually lost mind you, there is no 7.5 trillion pounds of baby meat in a dump somewhere.

[-] emptyother@programming.dev 95 points 2 months ago
  • You arent allowed to bring any food home. In fact the server stays by your table, uncomfortable close, and watches you to make sure none of the food you've already paid for is "stolen".
  • The restaurant reserves the right to ban anyone not following rules. They do not need to tell you which rule you broke. Also the rules are secret. They frequently brag to media about how many "rule-breakers" they've banned.
[-] emptyother@programming.dev 95 points 2 months ago

How long until we got upscalers of various sorts built into tech that shouldn't have it? For bandwidth reduction, for storage compression, or cost savings. Can we trust what we capture with a digital camera, when companies replace a low quality image of the moon with a professionally taken picture, at capture time? Can sport replays be trusted when the ball is upscaled inside the judges' screens? Cheap security cams with "enhanced night vision" might get somebody jailed.

I love the AI tech. But its future worries me.

[-] emptyother@programming.dev 58 points 3 months ago

Earth has been iceless before of course, and I've heard people claim its not a problem for it to happen again.

But if only this heating had occured slowly over a period of ~45 million years, nobody would have panicked. We'd adapt. Fauna and flora would adapt. We'd not even notice the ice caps melting.

[-] emptyother@programming.dev 49 points 7 months ago

Im a big fan of "you can either pay me to fix this issue, or fix it yourself" model. Nobody should be pressured to maintain a open source project once they're done with it themselves.

[-] emptyother@programming.dev 53 points 7 months ago

Damn. Spot on. Not a farm, but a proper house in a rural area with outside space enough for various crafting projects. And a garden. And a cat.

Im dead tired of living in a 5x3 firstfloor apartment with a single window and an outside area under tight control by a HOA. Teenage me enjoyed cramped, spartan living arrangements. Now if only I had money enough.

[-] emptyother@programming.dev 50 points 7 months ago

A registry key which is probably reset every 3rd update anyway, as usual.

[-] emptyother@programming.dev 96 points 8 months ago

This is corpo bullshit, in proper cyberpunk mood. We could need a Silverhand soon.

[-] emptyother@programming.dev 47 points 9 months ago

Its worrying we're fallen so far into consumerism that they dared even try. Unless we put a big stop to the damn subscription trend, they will try again. And again. Until we one day accept it.

[-] emptyother@programming.dev 42 points 10 months ago

Don't need to tell me twice. I've distrusted Brave since I saw their advertisement for it. It just feels like they sell the browser in same mood as pyramid schemers does their products.

But its just my gut feeling. Got no good reason why people should avoid the browser. And because the CEO is an ass isn't a good enough reason for most people.


Or at least an IWD sequel in spirit: A game in the same engine as BG3, taking place in Forgotten Realms, but with a more linear main story and you create your entire party. Not that I dont enjoy having companion stories but I do also enjoy a simple dungeon crawler RPG.

Solasta is of course a good but less shiny alternative. I'm probably going back there when I tire of BG3.


Or in any other type of container. They bug out. One day they just decide to not stack with other gold. Or not be counted, nor retrieved on the barter balance button, it says you have no money despite there being a nice stack of thousands of gold. It is possible to manually drag the gold to the barter inventory, though.

From what I can read on reddit, this is a known issue. Common fixes are stuff like dropping the money on the ground and pick it up again. Or splitting the stack to get the money out of that corrupted stack. I cant confirm any of those because I went for the fix of spending every ounce of gold, but havent had chance to check with a trader yet if my new stack of gold is uncorrupted.

Hiding the vote buttons (programming.dev)

Sync for reddit used to be able to hide the vote buttons too on the cards and comments. I nearly never use the downvote button anyway, so hiding it in the 3-dot meny prevented me from misclicking it. I usually only showed the upvote and save button.

I'm not entirely sure where to post suggestions, so I post it here. Maybe get some feedback on who else would(n't) want it.

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