
joined 1 year ago
[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

Note: In a few of these, I have multiple images of what I consider to be the main variants, which I would say are S1 E15 version, S1 E19 version, S2 E5/E9 version, and S2 E14 onward.

[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago

Some of the early episodes are important in my opinion but a little rough at times.

Once you hit season 2, there is rarely a bad episode - they're all at the very least funny, except for "A Mathematically Perfect Redemption", which is just the most brutal form of torture and an experiment in anti-storytelling. .

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) (5 children)

Not totally right. Strange New Worlds, Lower Decks, and Prodigy are all decent as well. TOS is also worth a watch with an episode list, and TAS has a few good ones as well.

Discovery, in my opinion, isn't as bad some say either. It's hardly peak Star Trek, but I've found I enjoy it sometimes. I also have to throw in obligatory Orville suggestion.

As others have set, Lower Decks is not the first show you should watch though - it's more enjoyable after watching everything. Also, both Lower Decks and Prodigy, I'd recommend watching through the first 10 or so episodes before making a judgement - the first few episodes aren't their best. Lower Decks is often funny and at least once a season (from season 2) puts out a masterpiece that belong with the best of Trek. I'd say the top/my favorite LD episodes are (in no particular order):

  • S1 E8 "Veritas"
  • S2 E5 "An Embarrassment of Dooplers" (I hate the Dooplers, but everything else about that episode is solid)
  • S2 E9 "Wej Duj"
  • S2 E10 "First Contact"
  • S3 E1 "Grounded"
  • S3 E5 "Reflections"
  • S3 E6 "Hear All, Trust Nothing"
  • S3 E8 "Crisis Point 2: Paradoxus"
  • S3 E10 “The Stars At Night”
  • S4 E4 "Something Borrowed, Something Green"
  • S4 E6 "Parth Ferengi's Heart Palace"
  • S4 E9 "The Inner Fight"
  • S4 E10 "Old Friends, New Planets"
  • S5 E2 "Shades of Green"
  • S5 E4 "A Farewell to Farms"
  • S5 E6 "Of Gods and Angles"
  • S5 E7 "Fully Dilated" (I think there were some things I wish this episode did better, but I still enjofed it.)
  • S5 E9 "Fissure Quest"
[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago

As long as it’s in Debian, I’ll use it.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (1 children)

Honestly, I’m tempted to move This Might Be Lemmy from lemmy.sorld, considering federation issues, if it would be allowed.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

I've had a very good experience with a similarly-speced AMD E16 gen 1.

The only issue I'd warn you about is the Wi-Fi modem might be a Realtek on some models. Mine came with one, and while on recent kernels, it mostly worked well out of the box, it had one issue: something went weird with ACPI when I switched between certain networks, which caused the card to crash and completely disconnect to the system unless I rebooted. I was able to find a fix by changing some options with modprobe.d, which I detail here: . Since that, it's been an extremely smooth experience.

[–] 1 points 1 month ago

Same. I love my E16 Gen 1.

[–] 2 points 1 month ago

Actually, Mirror Chakotay was depicted in Prodigy (along with mirror Janeway). He likes to torture people like any good Terrain boi.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

By Beta canon or otherwise, it's heavily implied he doesn't live that long in most timelines.

[–] 3 points 1 month ago

Excuse me. “Boss of Me” is early 2000’s music, thank you very much. 😑😂

[–] 22 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) (3 children)

Honestly, I kind of want Kirk to stay dead regardless of how they do it.

[–] 7 points 1 month ago

For battery life, I’d recommend you install CoreCtrl so you can adjust your power settings. That, combined with a few other things (I think the Arch Wiki covers most of them) allows me to get quite a lot out of my Thinkpad in Debian.


I've once again noticed a delay of 10-12 hours with I just wanted to make sure someone's aware.

Glory to your houses, admins, and thanks for maintaining this instance.


cross-posted from:

We'll see how big the intersection between Trek and TMBG fans is here.

Shut up and get with Garak, dude. (Also, a nod to the amusing show banter in the Live at the Music Hall of Williamsburg recording.)

I also posted this on the tmbw Discord.


That scene where they pull away from the station feels like an invisible hand is pulling on my brain.

Also, sometimes I think, "What if this could all be as beautiful as the remasters in What We Left Behind?"

Finally, why does my mind read this in the voice of Vic Fontaine?


I’ve made a bizarre observation: commemorative plates tend to be associated more with Star Trek or Star Wars more than other franchise (Stargate seems to have some, too.), and I kind of wonder why.

Obviously, they’re not actually that popular anymore and have faded into kitsch, as the only plate that seems to have come out since DS9/VOY era is the Lower Decks Tom Paris plate - there are no DSC, PIC, Kelvin, or even ENT plates, while newer Star Wars plates don’t seem all that common as well unless you want paper plates.

I’m wondering if it has to do with 2 factors, still somewhat true today but especially in the 1990s:

  • Both Star Wars and Star Trek are decently large fan bases with large proportions of very passionate fans that are more likely to make purchases based on their fandom.
  • Both tended to attract (and still do) an upper middle class to upper class demographic (Somehow, Bezos can call himself Trekkie 🤦‍♂️) with more disposable income to spend on collecting.

These would have made the plates commercially viable, meaning to both inside and outside observers, plates became a stereotype of the fandoms.

Anyhow, what are your thoughts?

P.S. Wow, this is starting to feel like a meta version of Daystrom.


Okay, the title may be a bit of comedic overstatement. What I really mean is I love the Lower Decks soundtrack and think Westlake may have been meant for Star Trek. I don't know what it is, but it truly evokes TNG era background music but on steroids.

I can't wait for the second volume. RIP Lower Decks - may the next few years prove to be the "Search for Lower Decks" (minus the butchering of a good Vulcan character, the pointless death... okay, maybe that wasn't the most apt comparison).

Lower Decks Eulogizing (
submitted 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago) by to c/

What’s your eulogy for Lower Decks?

Here’s mine: I wasn’t sure about Lower Decks for a well - I’d never been into the adult animation genre, and when I first heard of it, I had initially seen it as the wrong direction for Star Trek.

Finally, in late 2023, I watched it for the first time and was surprised to enjoy it.

Then came the crazy month of March 2024. I got rejected from all my dream schools, putting me in a sullen mood. I returned to the show and suddenly started resonating with Boimler as someone who had ambitions - some naive, some not - that weren’t always fulfilled, while I found the Cerritos to be kind of an analogue to the state school I would end up at.

Then, at the end of that month, a close family member shared their advanced pancreatic cancer diagnosis, and they passed a month after. That was when my attachment to Lower Decks solidified - I turned to it as a comfort show and really started to appreciate it. I think I’ve rewatched it twice since then - one randomly in the summer, and one to refresh my memory for the final season that began while I was doing the (mediocre) paint job for a 3D-printed combadge for a costume:

Overall, it’s probably my second favorite show in the franchise at this point, only behind DS9. I’m sure I’ll rewatch it plenty times more, though maybe a bit more sparingly - just one more this year to cope with the emptiness of no more new episodes. 🤭

Lower Decks! Lower Decks!


I knew it was Data the moment I noticed the head looked nothing like Data


In all seriousness, though, I swear I'm going to break into Rick Berman's house and send him to Gre'thor for what he did to Jadzia (and honestly, most of the female cast members at he time).


I made Cathode - don’t vote for it (or at least, don’t give it a high rank, since Debian uses ranked choice). It kind of sucks, honestly; I was just having fun.

I have a feeling Juliette Taka’s going to keep being the de facto face of Debian for a long time - I ranked hers first in the voting.


I guess for the thrill, same reason that I’m attempting LFS?


I’m wondering as a relative fediverse noob - are there any known issues when federating with

I ask because I run a They Might Be Giants community there that I created with an alt account and moderate with my account on this instance, in part because as giant as they may be, I feel like a They Might Giants community doesn’t fit this instance (if I am wrong, might consider migrating it).

I made a post ~14 hours ago and it still hasn’t shown up on other instances. I’m guessing it’s either is a ginormous instance or it’s still on 19.3. I just find it weird because I’ve made posts without problems before.

Anyhow, glory to the admins of this instance; they honor their houses.

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