
joined 4 months ago
[–] -4 points 3 months ago (3 children)

Retardistan is hogging the biggest portion of the IPv4 addresses for themselves. That's why they have the worst IPv6 support. The need arose last in this part of the world.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago

I personally am not interested in women that are more than 5 or 6 years my senior or junior. But I don't judge. Why did I bring up the army, you ask? Only as an example of 'muricans deciding what's age-appropriate. Joining the army and going to war? 17 year olds will do. Having a beer and shagging the neighbour? NO! That's immoral if you are not at least 21 and/or about the same age as the neighbour! Driving a SUV that has hundreds of horse powers and weighs multiple tons? 16! It just doesn't make any sense. So maybe turn at least down the judgyness a nudge. So Seinfeld had a fling with a consenting adult. So what? Judge him for being the most overrated and unfunny comedian ever, not for this. But as a German, who am I to judge humor. I am sure some people even appreciate his "humor".

'Muricans and their opinions about age are really, really strange and shouöd not be a point of reference for anybody.

[–] 0 points 3 months ago (1 children)

he just spent a year grooming her

Really? How so?

[–] -2 points 3 months ago (2 children)

Well society decided this

Some societies did. Retardistan is notn "The Society". Retardistan also decided that you can volunteer to go to war and get killed for your country and that at the same time you are not old enough to have a beer. Maybe Retardistan is not the measure of all things.

In Germany, while it never is ok for a person in a position of power to abuse this power, regardless of age or sexes, the age of consent is generally 14, 16 at the latest. Not everybody is happy with that of course, but maybe one should be a little more open to see more colors than black and white.

Regarding Seinfeld: Was he actually in a position of power over this girl? How so?

[–] 1 points 3 months ago

Absolutely. It is really not ok for someone in a position of power over a another person to leverage that power for personal gain. The age and gender of the "victim" only plays a minir role in that scenario, however.

Also: Was Seinfeld in a position of power over her?

[–] 3 points 4 months ago

Collabora Office. It's a free LibreOffice fork for iOS/iPadOs. I stumbled across it when I taught regular expressions to my pupils and only had MS Office at hand, on the school computers, which is crap at searching for pattern matches in documents. Libre Office is really good at that. And all my pupils have iPads and they could use Collabora Office.

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