
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 3 hours ago

You’re not alone, I love artificial grape

[–] 2 points 21 hours ago

There’s a solution and it’s standardized bottles. And I have seen it implemented in a place I never expected: Kentucky. They have growlers (large glass containers with screw top lids) of standard sizes that are in common enough usage for beer that many shops offer a tap to fill it with beer and charge based on it. It’s one of the things I wish was more common elsewhere.

And as for metering, offer a price per unit mass (show mass of a glass) and weigh fill weigh pay.

[–] 12 points 22 hours ago (1 children)

I’d argue the panic begins with the whole being strapped down to die against their will thing

[–] 1 points 23 hours ago (1 children)

I apologize if I implied they should cooperate. Cooperation is necessary for the painlessness. But I believe they have the right to fight to their dying moment and that it is laudable to do so

[–] 8 points 23 hours ago

Exactly, also systemic change will have individual consequences. By bearing them early we demonstrate that these burdens are smaller than often imagined.

I love the taste of meat. I struggled to imagine a life without it. I have been a pescatarian now for nearly 3 years. It’s inconvenient at times, but not as much as it once was. Seafood is a treat for me, and I imagine many people can live with meat like that. I am healthier, and I am happy with my choice. By making systemic changes to food people will eat less meat, but while the transition will be uncomfortable, the end result won’t be nearly as bad as they fear.

Have an app mode and desktop mode akin to the steam deck. It’s so nice

[–] 5 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago) (3 children)

Yes, and they need to violate every human instinct and cooperate. They know this gas is there with the specific purpose to kill them against their will, it’s incredibly difficult to voluntarily breathe in that situation

[–] 4 points 1 day ago (3 children)

Yep. It’s fine for euthanasia but humane execution is impossible because of the extreme drive to survive in humans.

Oh are those the Germans they poached while we grabbed the rocket scientists?

I once had an HR lady who seemed fun, the type you could have a beer with. She was so bad at her job that she was having casual hookups with employees.

The problem with HR is that if you’re liking them they’re probably not doing their job all that well

Sociopaths often think themselves brilliant for violating social contracts and getting away with it while we figure out how to rebuild social cohesion. That doesn’t make them smart, they’re just doing pvp on a pve server

The podcast Weird Little Guys has an episode about it, but the general gist is that American Nazis are under the mistaken belief that in emergency situations people will turn on each other instead of the well documented behavior of our instincts to help each other and cooperate going into overdrive. From there they believe that we will band together based on race instead of something reasonable like neighborhoods. And so, despite ample evidence from the increasingly frequent natural disasters, they believe a single catastrophe that shuts society down shortly will trigger a race war.

Additionally thanks to a combination of Pax Americana, the nature of the equipment, the massive benefits everyone knows it provides, and the danger of fucking with it, the electrical grid contains a large amount of unattended critical equipment such as substations. Nazis, being losers that are sometimes only half brain dead have figured out that this is potentially the easiest catastrophe to manufacture and as such have begun shooting at substations in an attempt to trigger a race war instead of just waiting for a storm or heat wave to shut down the power for a few days and seeing that people don’t do a race war over that.


But I’ve been getting this error:

[supervisor.docker.interface] Can't install 500 Server Error for http+docker://localhost/v1.44/images/create?tag=2024.4.4& Internal Server Error ("Get "": net/http: request canceled while waiting for connection (Client.Timeout exceeded while awaiting headers)") [supervisor.homeassistant.core] Error on Home Assistant installation. Retrying in 30sec

I’ve tried changing DNS, but it didn’t help and I seem to get no other helpful results from searching. If anyone has any suggestions I’d appreciate it as this seems to be something my home could benefit from but it’s just not loading beyond the CLI

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