[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 28 points 4 months ago

Jordan Strauss, a former federal prosecutor and former national security official in the Justice Department, called the FBI's alleged failure to search the closet "a bit astonishing."

"You're searching a former president's house. You [should] get it right the first time," Strauss told ABC News.

The FBI fucked up so royally during Trumps junta on every single issue, I wonder if they're not just floor-to-ceiling republiQans but droolingly incompetent.

[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 168 points 4 months ago

Member that time when Microsoft got dragged in federal court for ten years before they eventually decided Microsoft was a monopoly for forcing their browser on everyone and then sweet fuck all happened to them for it?

Well the judiciary sure has changed - now they're way more computer savvy and they . . . checks earpice . . . I'm sorry, that should be: they're just as fucking clueless as they were thirty years ago if not even more so. We're screwed, goodnight.

[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 52 points 6 months ago

You mean how can some people barely survive while others have millions or even, wtf, billions? NBCnews? That's your question?

Boy that's a question right there NBCnews. Yessir a real head-scratcher. Hmm! Boy howdy, the mind reels at what could be the cause of such a huge imbalance in our society. I suppose we'll just never FUCKING KNOW.

[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 31 points 6 months ago* (last edited 6 months ago)

Cardinal Scum: Lord Google! Our Premium service is only making 8.5 Billion net profit per year, a miserable increase of 25% from last year!

Lord Google: These peasant eyeballs have disappointed me. Force the plebians to ingest propaganda as in the olden times! And as for the so-called-Premium subs . . . we will crush their purchasing power!

Cardinal Scum: Yes Lord Google! Brilliant!

Lord Google: Muwahhahahahahah!!!

Cardinal Scum: (hesitantly) Heh heh . . hee heee heeh hehehehh yesssss . . yes

[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 106 points 7 months ago

Senator Tuberville, currently stiffarming the army's leadership to create a queue for fascist drones to serve dictator trump in the Army on the premise that he's agains the Army's allowing abortions, is the senator from this state.

Doing great work there coach. No wonder you were elected.

[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 48 points 7 months ago

X CEO Linda Yaccarino has said that most of the platform’s biggest advertisers have returned after dropping the site due to its moderation changes, but Media Matters previously showed that they’re spending far less than they used to. Yaccarino responded later on Thursday, writing that X has been “extremely clear about our efforts to combat antisemitism and discrimination.”

"There is no bombing at the airport"

[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 91 points 7 months ago

NOW can we fucking can this guy? SpaceX? Tesla? He's already flushed the cancer-formerly-known-as-twitter so we'll leave him that one.

The significance that it's IBM calling it first should not be lost on anyone.

[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 30 points 7 months ago

YES! The one main hurdle I've found (and the constant "share your contacts??" prompting). Good luck to them!

[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 56 points 10 months ago

No app better defines the changing nature of social media than Instagram. The app started as a digital scrapbook — a place to keep up with real-world connections, close friends, and family. While other networks had more users (Facebook) or generated more news (Twitter), Instagram seemed to define the ideal form of this era of social media. Instagram became a verb, an aesthetic, and a generational signifier.

huUURP! BLAAaahhriifgghhh. . .

Garbage marketing platform dies horribly. Thousands of clueless "journalists" bereft.

[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 29 points 11 months ago

Shocked! Yes shocked I am to find corruption has been going on in these oil contracts.

[-] brothershamus@kbin.social 44 points 11 months ago

Elon Musk has taken over the @x Twitter account without paying its owner as part of the social network’s ongoing rebrand.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but a "rebrand" should not be "ongoing" for any reason. That's like saying your surgery is ongoing. That's bad, mmmkay.

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