
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 1 year ago

My original statement was that owning a lot of guns wasn't suggestive of anything. The comment suggested there was a "correlation" with owning guns and domestic violence in response.

[–] 10 points 1 year ago

That is a different statement. It's saying abusers can be more dangerous with a weapon. It does not follow that people who own a weapon are somehow more likely to be an abuser.

To make that argument it would need to say something about what percentage of gun owners commit abuse or some kind violent crime.

You can find higher rates of domestic violence among cops for instance so maybe you could argue cops are more likely to be abusers.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

Violence was a thing before guns existed. If I got stabbed I'm not going to think, "Thank goodness I wasn't shot." I suppose I'll have plenty of to think about it while waiting for the cops to show up though.

Cherry picking and a lack of controling for confounding variables is an issue when people try to make the claim you did. There is also a lot more going on than just gun laws. When normal people don't benefit from our GDP it really isn't a good benchmark for comparable countries. When people have a lack opportunities or lack social programs there will probably be some social problems.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (5 children)

A lot of domestic violence involving a gun doesn't mean that most gun owners are abusive.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago

Criminals don't care about carry laws as breaking laws is kinda their whole deal.

Normal people carrying isn't a problem unless you assume normal people get murderous the second they have the opportunity.

[–] -4 points 1 year ago (5 children)

It's just a different mindset. People carrying don't have to be fearful or stressed out like you assume. They just want to have the ability to defend themselves or loved ones. Police simply cannot protect everyone all the time and violence is a thing that can happen sometimes. Violence certainly doesn't happen all the time but many people prefer to carry and not need it then need it and not have it.

The people who are actually a danger are still going to be dangerous regardless of how unarmed others choose to be.

Maybe you feel like you can depend on your police or your local criminals are less violent.

[–] 9 points 1 year ago

Are you on the younger side? Generally younger people want to be older mostly to be able to do more adult things or have the things in life older people have built over time.

Getting older isn't just looks although that is just a matter of personal preference. There are health concerns and things like lower energy. Taking care of yourself helps a ton but sometimes you get bad genetics or some kind of aliment anyway. And age will eventually catch up with most people.

I do still recommend things like exercise so you can feel 30 at 60 instead of 60 at 30.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Some people like the idea but to me that only makes sense if you are basically doing the nomad thing at a cheap location. You'd want to stay in the place for awhile as you're still spending most of the "vacation" working all day. On your days off you could do more. On an actual vacation you would actually be enjoying yourself the whole time. Traveling to just spend all your time working seems like a waste.

Also just try to work on just a laptop for a week. It sucks. I'm not doing that.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

I've never heard of a rule. Maybe with booze or smokes? Maybe some states or cities have some weird law like NJ does about gas.

I've bagged my own groceries before when it was just the cashier or other baggers were busy or something. Also there is the self checkout. If anyone were to complain I'd just joke, "don't worry, I was a professional in a previous life". I did actually work retail and bagged stuff while being a cashier like a decade ago.

They might think you're odd or think it's weird if you rebag things like they did it wrong. Maybe be annoyed if you were slow. I don't think too many employees would actually care or get insulted. No one under management gets paid enough to care.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

@crow Not really sure how someone faking it would expect things to work out. Someone could decide they could get a bunch of clout and followers by faking it. But at some point they get shown to be a fraud then they lose any following they had. Are the people who claim to have discovered something notable before this or could they just be riding a wave for a min for a quick buck? I guess there have been cases in more proper scientific circles of faked results.

Reporting on it is kinda whatever as that's kinda just talking about what someone else claimed.

Another possibility is that some other mechanism is at work or there is a fault in the test setup. At that point the person making the claim could be wrong but not necessarily aware of it. Maybe due to a lack of knowledge.

@science @technology @dzen

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