
joined 6 hours ago

Czechia has been a pretty strong supporter of Israel going back to delivering arms for their war of independence.

All excellent points. The trajectory of the current laptop market is the MacBook. One system on a chip with integrated RAM and an SSD. These are light, high performance, and long battery life. Repairability is difficult and upgrades harder. This type of laptop is good enough for most people and sells great.

Having a highly configurable machine is the opposite of the MacBook. There’s probably a market for the Framework laptop. It fully leans into being configurable and repairable. That gives the user a bigger sense of control. They don’t feel dependent on huge corporations. It’s not just a feeling either. Other companies don’t want their customers to repair or exchange anything on their laptops and will void the warranty if you do it. Framework is the opposite as it encourages their customers to assemble and replace parts themselves.

Customization has become huge in the PC market, especially among gamers. Framework is smart to try and fill this individualist niche. The marketing works well, just like you said. I find the programmable LED modules quite charming for example. The option to buy the laptop as a kit for me to assemble myself also sounds fun.

Empowerment is what the marketing sells to their customers. Few people really need this product, but many find it desirable.

[–] 1 points 36 minutes ago (2 children)

Replacing a main board like in your example won’t be financially attractive for Framework laptops. With a new laptop you would also get a new and better screen.

Framework laptops shine in customizability and repairability.

What would you even do with the old motherboard and CPU? Could you even sell that?

Lenovo Thinkpads are also good, especially the T and X series.


Österreich kämpft mit Hochwasser. Parteien nutzen die Krise für Wahlkampf. Doch wer profitiert wirklich von der Katastrophe?

Bei manchen Betroffenen in Österreich sitzt der Frust tief, sie werden jetzt wohl wegziehen. Weg von allen Gewässern. Die Hochwasser sind einfach zu häufig und zu intensiv geworden. Auch eine Woche nach den sintflutartigen Regenfällen sind einige Orte in Niederösterreich noch immer nicht erreichbar. Die Aufräumarbeiten werden zum Teil wohl Jahre dauern.

Die Hochwasserkatastrophe dominiert den Wahlkampf in den Medien. Geplante TV-Duelle wurden verschoben, stattdessen wurden Diskussionsrunden zum Hochwasser ausgestrahlt.

Schulische Leistungen nehmen in Deutschland seit 35 Jahren ab.

Why? Because Apple has abandoned good user interfaces for the Mac a while ago. Look no further than the Photos app, share menu, abomination systems settings has become, invisible scroll bars.

Has been mine since Mac OS X 10.2. It was one of the reasons I switched to a Mac in the first place.

Same. I always wait for the first point update to hit before upgrading.

Running iOS betas on test devices is enough pain for me.

[–] 0 points 3 hours ago (1 children)

I hope never BRICS is a joke club. India and China hate each others guts. China and Russia are only allies of convenience. South Africa and Brazil are trying to get more international clout. The economic and other cooperation between BRICS countries is less than between individual BRICS countries and western countries.

My impression is most Palestinians also feel they belong to the larger Arab community. Arab is a pretty broad umbrella though.

[–] 1 points 3 hours ago (2 children)

Most Jordanians are Arab, many of them identify as Palestinian, but there are also other minorities.

Bashing Germany is always a crowd pleaser in Poland.

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