[-] bender223@lemmy.today 46 points 2 days ago

Yeah, some ppl don't get that you don't have to like Biden, to vote against trump. 🤷‍♂️

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 4 points 3 days ago

No one locks their car door after parking. Nor do they roll up their windows.

Also, they find parking right away in an obviously busy area .

No one locks the door to their house either when leaving.

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 88 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

Oh, so telling advertisers to go fuck themselves DIDN'T help Twitter make money? 🤔

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 81 points 4 weeks ago

no donny, cuz states rights 🤭

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 29 points 1 month ago

Yus, the proper way to deal with peaceful protestors is violence /s

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 17 points 3 months ago* (last edited 3 months ago)

I've done this with a DELL chromebook similar to the one she has. It worked out great! Shout out to Mrchomebox for his awesome work on custom firmware.

I initially installed Gallium OS since it was supposed to be a lightweight distro. My chromebook was fairly low spec with duo core intel at 2.0ghz with 4GB RAM. Gallium OS worked much better than chrome OS for this machine. Later on, I learned about Arch, and thought that would be better cuz it's barebones and lightweight. And yes, Arch made a big difference. And later on, I heard about Alpine Linux, which is even more lightweight than Arch. Shoutout to Trafotin for his video on using Alpine as a desktop OS. Alpine was even better for this machine than Arch. It is noticeable since, it's such a low powered machine.

Yes, I'm being a dirty distro hopper. :P

I may jump to Artix Linux since, some things I need don't seem to work on Alpine. My hypothesis is that Alpine was faster than Arch because Alpine uses OpenRC instead of Systemd. Just a guess.

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 21 points 4 months ago

Yeah, I mean, dealing with issues like this is still better than being on a corporate monarchy like twitter or fb 🤷‍♂️

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 61 points 6 months ago

Wait, do they know what the word innovative means?

Wait, do they know what the word gameplay means?

Wait, do they know what the word most means?

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 66 points 7 months ago

wait, so does that mean he was never actually president?

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 23 points 8 months ago

Who are these "analysts"? And why should I care?

Wanting the games industry to constantly grow is corpo speak, and what shareholders want. I just want good games. And there's already a lot of good games out there I haven't had time to play yet. Fuck these asshats, and their lust for growth.

I generally like how small studios don't try to make hyper realistic graphics and force crunch time on their employees.

The article presents such a dystopian and shitty vision of how the videogames industry should be. Keep growing or else!

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 31 points 8 months ago

He's right, cuz he had his fingers crossed while he was being sworn in. 🤞

[-] bender223@lemmy.today 29 points 8 months ago

I can see how some people can get trapped in a bubble of Google and FB. I hope they can realize that Google, FB, Reddit, and Twitter are not "the internet".

I stopped using FB when the timeline became useless (it was hard to filter to a specific friend or family member), and also that I no longer wanted to see updates from people I didn't even want to hear from. I have since switched to smaller and more personally curated social media platforms like a group chat or a discord server.

Sure google is a common homepage for a lot of people, but there are other alternatives that work well. TBH, a few years ago, I wanted to switch to DuckDuckGo, but their search results were lacking compared to google, but fast forward to now, DDG gives more accurate and useful results than Google's ad driven and AI driven "search results".

I've enjoyed my "internet experience" much better after switching from Reddit to Lemmy. Just the fact that it's not driven by profit, and policy changes are not a the whim of a monolithic corporation, makes the experience much better. I generally don't see people trying to grift on lemmy. I really appreciate the useful and well thought out comments/posts on lemmy compared to other platforms.

Also, Mastodon is so much more enjoyable to use than Twitter (deadnaming it, I don't care).

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