
joined 3 years ago
[–] 10 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Verstehe als Schweizer nicht ganz, wie genau das definiert wird. Ich dachte, "Linksextreme" wären Teile der radikalen Linken, welche Gewalt (ob gegen Sachen oder Menschen, defensiv oder offensiv) ausüben (bereits eine komische definition, aber naja).

Aber im Artikel steht, der Präsident vom Verfassungsschutz "gehe von rund 37.000 Menschen aus, von denen etwa 11.000 gewaltbereit seien". Also ist eine Mehrheit von "Linksextremen" gar nicht "gewaltbereit" laut Verfassungschutz? Woher wollen die das wissen? Und wer zählt alles denn als "Linksextrem"? Menschen, die das Kapitalistische Wirtschafssystem überwinden möchten? Dann wären ja alle Linken, oder zumindest die meisten, "Linksextrem". Selbst die Sozialdemorkatische Partei der Schweiz wäre dann ja, laut Ihrem Parteiprogram zumindest, "Linksextrem".. Und die ganzen Umweltaktivisten, welche einen "Systemwechsel" fordern, erst recht. Aber das ist ja auch nichts neues, also was genau hat sich denn geändert? Und wer sind denn genau die "zahlreichen Akteuren aus dem linksextremistischen Spektrum", zu welchen die Organisation angeblich Kontakte hat? Und natürlich geht es bei zivilem Ungehorsam darum, das Gesetz (vor allem sinnlose Gesetze) zu brechen.. Das ist ja der Sinn des ganzen.

Wirkt alles etwas willkürlich, oder sehe ich das falsch?

[–] 2 points 1 year ago

I mean those features are addictive, so it isn't that odd that people want their fix.

[–] 0 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Well it's not bad in theory, it just runs like ass.. This version already runs 10 times faster than the real thing, sometimes I wonder what the hell is going on over at Microsoft.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

I mean I couldn't do that either, not for very long at least. I have the tendency to walk around aimlessly when doing something like that (same when I'm on the phone), which means I have to clean the floor after. So mostly I either brush my theeth in the shower or I sit down/lie down.

Damn, I just noticed that my theeth brushing habits are probably very weird, bit hey, at least that way I do it 2 - 3 times a day.

[–] 21 points 1 year ago

I used to fuck around with desktop shortcuts for fun. For example, replacing the internet browser shortcut with a shortcut to a script that starts the browser, but also does other weird stuff, often only after a certain time.

So somebody would "start the browser" and every 30 seconds, the script would open another browser window, or word, or close a browser window, or shut down the computer, etc.

I thought it was just harmless fun that was easy to fix and figure out, but the school IT would look everywhere to fix the strange issues and believed that students had installed a "hacked version" of firefox..

[–] 3 points 1 year ago

I probably can't help you since I assume you are not from the same country as me. I would recommend that you use a more or less local service, but in order for us to give good recommendations, you will probably have to tell us where you are located.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago

Yeah that is indeed true unfortunately. I think small communities will be around eventually, it just takes time.

[–] 6 points 1 year ago

You are only going to see how truthful the platform is when the owners get a court demand or law enforcement at their doors.

Wait, so you expect a site admin to openly resist a court order and/or law enforcement when illegal activity takes place? And what does that have to do with "honesty"? There is a reason why servers like this have rules such as "don't request or link to specific pirated titles". It's because they don't want to get in trouble with the law.. And for good reason, they aren't superman after all, they cannot fight the law..

And surely we can agree that there are cases where providing law enforcement with information on illegal activity is not only the legal thing to do, but also the moral thing to do.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I was only active on certain small subreddits, here I am active in more different communities.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

Yes, I absolutely use adblock, I couldn't imagine browsing without it. I support creators I like by donating them money or joining their patreon.

[–] 5 points 1 year ago

I don't host a lemmy instance yet, but I host other services and I do it mainly for fun. As far as I have read, a small scale lemmy instance runs very well on very low performance hardware, which means the cost of running it is probably less than 10 $ a month.

The big lemmy instances that need better hardware have patreons and other services where people can donate money.

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