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[–] 6 points 10 months ago (5 children)

Even if you take four words of a 30000 word list (quick Google says that's the number of words an average person knows), that's still less bits of entropy than a 5 word diceware password (7776 word list). People are also really bad at randomness, so your own string of random words is likely going to be much worse.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago) (2 children)

Serious question, why do they then even bother with the retail platform?

[–] 8 points 10 months ago (7 children)

8 character a-zA-Z is 45 bits of entropy (log2(56^8), about the same as the XKCD password if you take from a 2048 word list. That's crackable in a minute on AWS.

Password hashes get frequently stolen, don't rely on rate limiting if it's something you really care about.

Here are the dice ware recommendations on the number of words:

[–] 10 points 10 months ago (10 children)

Four words is too low these days to protect against gpu bruteforcing

[–] 35 points 10 months ago (3 children)

My washing machine has a hand wash mode 👀

[–] 5 points 10 months ago

It's not unheard of, Icelandic is much closer to Old Norse than Norwegian is.

There are many reasons why this could be the case: pure chance, less outside influence of other languages, a smaller group of people, ...

Not all of these apply to the US and I have no idea whether English in the US has less changed than in the UK.

[–] 9 points 11 months ago

Want to stop something from starting? Well, it used to be that you just move it out of the init directory, but now you have to know to “systemctl disable something.service”,

That is still the case, nothing stops you from manually moving a file and its dependencies into or out of /etc/systemd/system/

[–] 11 points 11 months ago

init scripts were so simple they could be understood just by looking at the name: the computer is Initialized by Scripts. Systemd was much more complex and allowed many more tools to interact with the different parts of the computer, but people had to learn these tools. Previously all a person had to understand to deal with the computer was how to edit a text file and what various commands and programs did.

It's complex because it solves a complex problem. before people had to hack that together with complex init scripts, now they can let systemd do the hard work.

A comment from an Arch Linux' init script maintainer:

[–] 2 points 11 months ago

I'm not against legalization of prostition or drugs, but the only thing The Netherlands figured out is that simply legalization doesn't make the problems go away. Both drug crime and human trafficking are still a big issue.

[–] 1 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I never said that. Of course you pay for everything that's in your car, but it's certainly possible it would cost you more not to have them put it in there, that's the crux of the matter.

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