You need some loops to jump through to get there. But that can be achieved for Signal as well, if you check the discussions regarding reproducible builds for Signal's iOS client, you'll see that people just decided it is not worth the hassle to push it through.
joined 2 years ago
MDM can be configured in 2 modes, one with company owned devices and one with bring your own device. But there are lots of settings that can be done, usually it is configured with work and personal profiles and the work one has all the restrictions in place and the personal has no limits. Maybe just some device features can be also enforced, like forbid the OEM unlock and ADB.
I wouldn't trust the 12 years old me to decide a name for myself.
It is a really fragile topic, at least for moldovans and I'd say it is mostly due to ideological reasons. A lot of moldovans do not identify themselves as romanians and this is due to 2 main reasons:
Out of these reasons Moldova had and has a huge debate over the existence of Moldovan language, just recently the constitution was updated stating that the state official language is Romanian. Within Moldova at this point there is the Moldovan dialect which differs a lot from other Romanian dialects, even the Moldovan dialect from within Romania, where Moldovan dialect has a mixture of russian/ukranian words.