
joined 1 year ago
[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 1 points 1 year ago

The difference is that the images AIs spit out are, well, real. Imagining someone naked doesn't produce a potentially very convincing actual image that can be shared.

I do think that AI can't really be effectively regulated (my fucking laptop can run Stable Diffusion), but that doesn't mean that there's no need for a debate.

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 1 points 1 year ago

I'm in Berlin too, born and raised. 5G is still twice as fast as any landline available in my building.

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 0 points 1 year ago (2 children)

I have to use O2's 5G (using a landline would be much slower) and there's no data cap on it. Costs €35/month, around the same as a regular landline contract. I think they'd cry foul if I tried using that SIM in a phone though.

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 6 points 1 year ago

Sorry, aber das war schon immer Naiv. Es gibt Kriege, die geführt werden müssen. Wenn ein Völkermord stattfindet ist militärisches Eingreifen die einzig "richtige" Vorgehensweise, Sanktionen wirken bestenfalls zeitverzögert und sind damit in Situationen die sofortige Wirkung benötigen einfach nicht effektiv.

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 10 points 1 year ago (9 children)

Und deine Alternative zu einem Krieg wäre damals gewesen? Serbien beim Völkermord zugucken?

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 15 points 1 year ago

Not yet. It's the inevitable outcome of tolerating Nazis on your platform but it takes time, especially with a userbase as large as Twitter's.

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 2 points 1 year ago

Wow, you really did swallow the official Russian stance. I bet you'd also have believed that Poland attacked that German radio station in 1939. Repeat after me: Russia has invaded Ukraine because the Russian government does not consider Ukraine to be a legitimate nation. But don't take my word for it, read Putin's essay on the matter. It just takes a minimum amount of actual reflection to see that that's the real reason for the invasion.

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 5 points 1 year ago

Because usually the people who topple the dictator don't want what's best for their country, they just want the guy's fancy hat.

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (2 children)

No, we want Russia to unconditionally surrender right now. But since that's unrealistic, we want to provide Ukraine with the means to defend itself from a blatantly imperialist invasion by a fascist state.

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 64 points 1 year ago (15 children)

Which just highlights how exploitative the whole endeavour is. Rich Westerners hire poor locals to risk their lives for no good reason beyond clout. These aren't scientific expeditions, there's no actual value in them.

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 2 points 1 year ago (1 children)

Also, what 2012 pc laptop would still be usable in 2023?

A lot of them, especially if you're doing a fair comparison and look at Windows laptops that were in the same price bracket as the MBP (though even many cheaper ones will still work).

[–] ahornsirup@artemis.camp 3 points 1 year ago

Gut, das stimmt natürlich. Aber auch die Großkonzerne beschäftigen Menschen die oft keine wirkliche Alternative haben. Man muss irgendwie eine auch für die Amazonasstaaten sozialverträgliche Lösung finden, das ist alles was ich sagen wollte.

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