
joined 3 years ago

A peer-led (non-professional) resource and community to supplement a professional Dialectal Behavior Therapy (DBT) Program.

[–] 3 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

IME it comes back quickly if you ease back in but if you just go out to the bar and knock back 6 shots at once like you used to the EMTs very much will be scraping you out of a ditch. That's how most experienced addicts OD, by not thinking about it and remembering to slow the fuck down with their dosing after holding together sobriety for a while.

[–] 14 points 10 months ago (7 children)

Well here's my worst: I relapsed after having dropped my tolerance and the EMTs scraped me out of a ditch and took me to my job, although thank God I don't work in the ED. Apparently I said something to the effect of "just let me die" which wound up getting me a babysitter (suicidaldrunksitter?) and wound up having to talk to a pgy-2 who very clearly (and nervously) recognized me. Fortunately my hospital is relatively with it on the evidence-based-practice even in behavioral health so he knew to wait until I was sober again to do a full assessment, because that would've been a whole week down the drain in grippy sock jail.

[–] 38 points 1 year ago (1 children)

I think polyamory is an immutable part of someone's sexual orientation as much as the gender preference spectrum (homo/heterosexual) and the intensity/situationalness (ace/gray-ace/demi). I think some people just naturally see sex and intimate relationships as something they can do openly with multiple people and some people just don't. I think it will become more acceptable for the people who see sex that way to find each other and express their love that way, the same as with all the other sexual relationships between consenting adults are becoming more acceptable. But the same way it would be silly to say we'll all be homosexual eventually I don't think we'll all be poly someday either.

[–] 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

No I did it because the comment suggested it and it seemed like a cool idea. When someone programs a wholeass bot just to make it easy for me to be nice, I'm much obliged.

[–] 30 points 1 year ago

Addictions often stem from a lack of stimulating activities or connection to others. The recent retirement supports this, as he would have lost both at that time. So he needs to get into some hobby that's less likely to leave him homeless, but that is gonna fill those needs. You gotta find him somewhere to go that's outside the house that he can:

  1. mostly rest/vegetate
  2. occasionally get rewarded
  3. do either alone or with a trusted friend
  4. consume mind altering substances while vegetating (usually alcohol)

With all this in mind I now realize why there's so many jokes about old dudes fishing. Do with that what you will.

But yeah. You should start some kind of multi generational hobby club for how to sit around and all be dudes together. There's probably some younger men out there who missed that part during COVID too so like. And figure out some activity that's not going to be horribly boring to the younger adults that won't be horribly overstimulating to the older adults.

I've always thought the answer to the whole men's mental health crisis we're seeing today (I work in inpatient mental health) was getting men to connect better with each other in addition to women. A lot of guys say they weren't taught to talk about their feelings which means not only are they losing a lot of opportunity for emotional validation, but they're losing that validation from where it would matter most; the people most like them. I say this because a bunch of young male patients keep asking me for life advice and I'm like bruh we both know nothing I say is gonna make a lick of sense I wasn't raised in that box.

[–] 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (4 children)

I feel like this has to be a math/logic thing that has a name already and I wanna know what it's called so I can look it up when I'm no longer extremely drunk.

In this phone game the objective is to get all the people on all the same color floors with as few stops at any floor as possible. When the last few moves look like this, you just have to go through in the right order and only stop at each stop once (except the first/last floor).

But sometimes there's different little sub-sets of pairs inside the bigger set of pairs that are self-contained, and for each one of those there's another floor that has to be started and stopped on to complete that loop. That makes the minimum number of moves to solve: the sum of the number of pairs in both sub-sets together plus the number of subsets. (And only counting the number of pairs in both subsets because if one of the pairs is already matched it won't count for the moves).

So like these two are all one big continuous loop: A-E, B-A, C-B, D-C, E-D and A-B, B-E, C-A, D-C, E-D

And this one has one already matched leaving a single complete loop in need of matching: A-B, B-E, C-A, D-D, E-C

These ones, however, have two loops. one loop that's three floors long (four moves) and one that's two floors long (three moves): A-B, B-C, C-A, D-E, E-D and A-D, B-E, C-A, D-C, E-B

And these ones have one already matched pair, and two sub-sets of two that still need to be matched: A-B, B-A, C-C, D-E, E-D and A-D, B-B, C-E, D-A, E-C

What is this called?

[–] 9 points 1 year ago (1 children)

So I work 12 but because I'm a night nurse a lot of the time it's just being there and monitoring, then occasionally doing something if the monitoring indicates the need. And particularly in psychiatry, a lot of the monitoring is passive. Sure I'll go personally check on people every few hours (the techs do 15 minute checks) but a lot of my monitoring is poking my head out of the nursing station to whisper-yell "WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT NOISE" or jumping up when the floorstaff move too fast (some of our security who know me well will actually frantically gesture at me to sit the fuck back down they're just showing their buddy a meme they got excited about).

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

Honestly I'd settle for making sure the doctors hand off q12h. They often work 48 hour shifts with even more disastrous possibilities.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago (2 children)

12s do make sense in Healthcare where every handoff is an opportunity to miss important information. For instance if you forget to mention all the specifics of all your patients injuries after a car wreck, the next nurse might not realize their sinuses are cracked and just go ahead and insert that nasogastric feeding tube into their brain.

3 handoffs a day instead of 2 is 1.5 as many chances to make an error like that.

That said, 2x12s a week instead of 3 sounds lovely.

[–] 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

I'm a nurse and we were taught to educate patients at the fifth grade level as well. Believe it or not, the sex ed level is even lower! The average American seems to struggle with such topics as "it's bad to touch or be touched when the person being touched doesn't like it" and "don't put random household objects in your butthole."

[–] 4 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago) (1 children)

90 degrees outside the car? The inside of that car is gonna BAKE. And 2 hours before and after high noon ain't shit. cook those hoes.

[–] 4 points 1 year ago

apparently it's practically impossible for me to catch bedbugs from a patient as a nurse. I can't do my shoes in the dryer like that. I also couldn't have done my leather jacket like that when my roomates caught me some fleas. Hot car is a fab solution in certain specific situations.


Anyway my patient had bedbugs how'd y'all's weekend go?

(Works best for fleas since they're usually a summer pest, when that 90° weather is avaliable, but works for other things if the opportunity arises.


It just feels kind of gross having parts of me hanging out on the internet for too long. Like I haven't been able to wash my hands/face for a while. I do it manually occasionally, but I have to block off a morning or evening for it now when I used to be able to do it with a couple mouse clicks then go off to take a shit or w/e.

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