
joined 1 year ago
[–] 1 points 6 hours ago (1 children)

Your leave resets? That sounds illegal.

[–] 6 points 2 days ago (1 children)

The only country whose opinion should matter here is Taiwan. If and when they decide they want to be recognised officially, they should be. Not before, and not after.

[–] 12 points 2 days ago


Anônimo disse

I actually did bite my dm with explicit consent. because I was trying to argue that a ranger/barbarian's bite would be d6+Strength Modifier. and not d4+Strength Modifier. and he was like lmao human bites aren't even that strong. and I said bet. and he said well bite me then as strong as an 18 attack roll would be (the prison guard had 14AC btw) and we had to stop the game because he had to go get stitches.

also he didn't wanna say he let himself get bit to win an argument that he lost so badly he's in the emergency room, so he was like "a rat did it" and the nurse turns her head 12 degrees to the left and sees my bloody mouth. and goes "yeah okay that happens"

and we did get the barbarian bite attack to be d6+Strength Modifier. I'm also now engaged to this guy and this campaign I get to be the dm!

probablybadrpgideas Absolute rollercoaster, but congrats on the engagement - Paper

[–] 4 points 3 days ago (1 children)

I thought it was a rather simple analogue, but I guess it was too complicated for some?

I said nothing about JavaScript or Python or any other language with my 1/3 example. I wasn't even talking about binary. It was an example of something that might be problematic if you added numbers in an imprecise way in decimal, the same way binary floating point fails to accurately represent 1/10 + 1/5 from the OP.

[–] 4 points 3 days ago (7 children)

A good way to think of it is to compare something similar in decimal. .1 and .2 are precise values in decimal, but can't be represented as perfectly in binary. 1/3 might be a pretty good similar-enough example. With a lack of precision, that might become 0.33333333, which when added in the expression 1/3 + 1/3 + 1/3 will give you 0.99999999, instead of the correct answer of 1.

[–] 1 points 4 days ago (1 children)

A few problems with this. That requires a world experienced in 2D, with one axis being towards or away from the centre, and the other being clockwise or anticlockwise. Works great when discussing intragalactic travel, but OP specified intergalactic travel. Where there is neither an obvious centre point nor a single plane on which things predominantly occur.

Though fwiw, language very similar to that is legitimately used in some real world languages. Some Malayo-Polynesian languages, such as Manam, talk about direction in terms of seaward, inland, clockwise, and anticlockwise.

[–] 5 points 4 days ago (1 children)

Strip any tracking parameters you spot before following any URLs.

If it's one of these QR codes at a restaurant for ordering, the parameters could possibly be necessary to properly connect your order to your table, depending on how they're set up.

[–] 2 points 4 days ago

Americans I've just given up on. What frustrates me (coming from a country that exclusively uses metric) is how little shit people give to the UK. Those fuckers never get the level of criticism people heap on America, but if you see media produced there, or talk to British people, you'll hear about feet and miles and tell you that running at a 6:00 pace is impressive and shit like that.

[–] 27 points 5 days ago (4 children)

I have no idea what the law is in India, but if he got a "hacking" charge for this it would be a gross miscarriage of justice, considering he never once did anything resembling social engineering, brute forcing passwords, any sort of injection attack, or anything else that might actually be involved in hacking.

However, assuming he never tried to reach out to the company themselves first (and I saw no indication in the article that he had), this is really quite a horrible irresponsible disclosure. It's pretty obviously a significant leak of sensitive data—both customer and business data—and giving them 90 days to fix it before alerting the public to what you found is pretty basic security ethics.

[–] 12 points 1 week ago (1 children)

I'd rather just spend a fraction of the money on a Nebula subscription.

[–] 32 points 1 week ago (1 children)

The Person of Interest TV series. S04E10 The Cold War.

Know Your Meme page.



A picture of a skinny female orc with the side of her head shaved. She wears an armless red dress and a black shawl, as well as matching red bracelets and a black choker with a gold heart at the front.

At the top of the image is the text "You may not like it, but this is what" in large bubble font

At the bottom of the image is a screenshot from the new D&D changelog, reading "• Orcs no longer have the Powerful Build feature."

And below that, the text "Peak 2024 D&D orc performance looks like" continues the bubble font from the top.


Original source by ZeTrystan.

Transcriptiona four-panel comic.

The first panel shows a boy brushing his teeth. In the background are framed photos of a white dog, a weird fox-like creature, and Rick Astley from the music video for Never Gonna Give You Up, as well as usual bathroom things. He wears a yellow shirt with "LOL" written on it. Above him is a bubble with the words "Normie Gary" in it.

The second panel shows the same scene, but the boy is gone, leaving behind his toothbrush and a spot of toothpaste. Where he stood are white puffs of smoke, with the word "POOF". The bubble saying "Normie Gary" is slightly larger.

The third panel shows the boy with a confused expression on his face, dribbling spit. He is surrounded by white clouds, and in the background are blurry flames. "NORMIE GARY" is repeated, much larger, now a speech bubble with three tails coming off of it. In the same direction as that bubble's tails are three other speech bubbles each with a single tail, reading "?!", "!!!" and "!?!".

The fourth panel shows the boy sitting surrounded by three demon-like creatures with red skin, cloven hoofs, and horns. They each have a speech bubble. The first reads "It... It worked???" The second: "AAAAAH!" And the final "WHAT THE FU" (before it gets cut off by the edge of the frame with only the leftmost edge of what might be a "C" visible). The boy looks even more confused than in the previous panel, mouth agape, surrounded by question marks.


Linked video is part 1 of 4, and as long as it is, it's the shortest of them.

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4

I had heard vaguely about how this was a bad system before, but never before realised just quite how bad it was, and in what ways.

Warning: references to sexual assault, sexism, and racism



How To Confound A Centaur

Centaur: Hold it right there, you can't just ride through my fields uncontested! I'll lose my credibility if we don't battle or something.

Me: That's fair. How about we–

Centaur: And it can't be a pun battle, I heard what you did to the sphinx.

Me: Darn. Okay, what if I beat you in a horse race?

Centaur: Ha! Alright, your funeral. Where's the finish line?

Me: That tree over there. Where's your horse?

Centaur: (gestures at horsey backside) Um...?

Me: You're not a horse, this is a HORSE race. You have to race with an actual horse.

Centaur: You want me... a centaur... to RIDE a regular horse.

Me: That is, linguistically-speaking, what you agreed to.

Centaur: ...

Me: ...

Centaur: I hate you.

Me: That's fair.




A frame from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring showing the wizard Gandalf holding up his sword and staff.

Underneath is a YouTube comment by AlexTheEpic. It is dated 4 years ago.

Gandalf tells the party to run so he can kill the final boss and get all the XP. Then he shows up next session all leveled up and with new robes and a new staff.

Scumbag Gandalf.

The comment has 4.5K thumbs up and 67 replies.

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