
joined 1 year ago

Might work for MD size states, but most smaller even EV states would split their EVs evenly, even if the state voted 60/40 one way or the other -- while odd EV states would always cast a net vote for the winner.

For example, using the 2020 election numbers Trump would win if the election included only the following states:

  • AK (R+10) Trump 2-1 Biden
  • GA (D+0) Trump 8-8 Biden
  • WI (D+1) Trump 5-5 Biden
  • PA (D+1) Trump 10-10 Biden
  • NV (D+2) Trump 3-3 Biden
  • NH (D+7) Trump 2-2 Biden
  • ME (D+9) Trump 2-2 Biden
  • RI (D+20) Trump 2-2 Biden

I don't know that it's any nobler to for electoral influence to discriminate on the basis of even states and odd states than swing states vs safe states. Unless you're also one of the group wanting to expand the legislature until there are no 4 and 6 EV states ...

La Disparition by George Perec in French, translated to English as A Void. Neither version uses the letter 'e'. I think the French original is better since the translator had to cheat a bit with the numbers (5 and 26 appear frequently for self-referential reasons, and when spelled in French don't use e, but are translated as numerals.) but was still impressed. I read the side-by-side translated version, although I'm only marginally literate in French.

High hundreds for sure, maybe about 1000. Some on bookcases, some in boxes, some stacked on the floor.

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