Oh I do, that's the point. They generalized all of us so I generalize all of them. What's funny is, if it would come down to it, they are defenseless, there is no hope for them. The only hope they HAD was an uprising of the American people, but they fucked their goodwill with most of us. Too bad, so sad.
joined 1 week ago
They are talking about the worship of Santa muerte.
Yeah that's not gonna happen. Fuck cuomo.
Good. It's faaaar past time america stops policing the world and having a seat at the big kids table, trump is a child. I do however think it's far past time Europe polices Europe, no one will ever take over the US so we have no need for the UN. We don't need to pay for all those other countries defenses or be involved in theor policies. Let them sort it out.