
joined 9 months ago
[–] 1 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

My wrist will not tolerate using a mouse for more than a few hours
You use a mouse on your phone?

[–] 10 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Israel is an extreme example of colonization, formed with the barrel of a gun under the guise of returning to homeland. Somehow being at the wrong end of a genocide entitles Israelis to commit their own? Why does the USA continues to support & fund an overt theocracy?

[–] 5 points 1 month ago

Project 2025 = Powell Memorandum 2.0
Conservative after having their wildest dreams come true packing the supreme court

They needed new dreams
The result a 900 page dream journal
Complete with their very own self induced Armageddon/purge

Conservatives over played their hand
Playing for the tie only works if it's close

We should all make sure it isn't, Again!

[–] 4 points 1 month ago (4 children)

What's a mouse?
I use a trackpad
The lenovo version of trackpad on my thinkpad has buttons on the top & bottom along with trackpoint that works when nothing else will..
I even have a usb keyboard with a trackpad

I bought a gaming mouse [not logitech] to set up a distro that wouldn't install by trackpad for $12 once the install finished, it sits on a shelf

A forever mouse is a solution in search of a problem

The customer base of people who use mice is shrinking, most people use their phones or pads a majority of the time

[–] 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

At least Wexton supplied some of the data to make it all work
I wonder where the data to develop the program came from?
Can AI be developed ethically? or do the datasets have to be so large the job requires pilfered data?

[–] 1 points 2 months ago

Artist is defined as someone who can afford to defend their rights in court
It's great for the guild of lawyers, they would describe the situation as billable hours...

[–] 8 points 2 months ago (3 children)

Not an "artist, songwriter or journalist" You're on your own
You're free to be pillaged for you data by ai
There is no ai without stolen data

[–] 7 points 2 months ago

Ah Dems finding new ways to lose
The last time the incumbent wasn't the nominee We got eight years of Dick

[–] 4 points 5 months ago

An important point:
"The higher level is: What do we do with these big corporations? One is we’ve got to subordinate them constitutionally. So corporations should never have equal rights with real people. Now they’re connecting with AI. You want a deadly cocktail? Connect artificial persons called corporations with AI.
Founders intent was for corporations to be temporary

We have a system designed for 1% of the present population
We have a system designed for information moving at the speed of horse
Founders intent was a representative for 30,000 citizens, presently a representative for 700,000 citizens
We have a system that is completely over whelmed by the number & complexity of decisions to be made
We need more channels for informed feedback
Having a meaningful political opinion has

I lived in California in 2000 & voted for Ralph, knowing Gore had Cali in the bag

[–] 3 points 6 months ago (1 children)

Offers me 15 recent files through application menu
Clipboard a bunch transactions

[–] 5 points 6 months ago

The He-man Woman Hatrz Club
The let scrotum & santorum jokes commence

This is just more of the Powell memorandum mode of operation, play the long game. Use that legacy money to cultivate the next generation into the good ol boys swamp

[–] 2 points 8 months ago

I had an AM radio I listened to while delivering papers

A Magnevox tv/radio/record player, with glowing tubes. You could stack up a few records

8 track tapes were an infinite loop abomination. 4 loops of 2 channels = 8 tracks. I had a friend with a quad 8 track, 2 loops of 4 channels. the tapes started to drag after some plays, requiring various gymnastics to keep them playing. Recording at home was rare. Cost more than vinyl, lower sound quality. Let the enshittification of music begin

Cassettes Had their own weirdness, pre recorded cassettes had crap tape, crap shells & higher costs. Pre recorded tapes shed the magnetic coating & dirtied up the player which would eat your tapes.
Quality blank tapes cost about 1/4 of what an LP cost.

Moving into the cd age I stuck with cassettes, as that's what worked in my car/trucks. cd's got recorded. my favorite technique was 3 albums on a 90 minute tape, cutting out the annoying songs.

I got a computer in 2005 started making LP's & cassettes into mp3's. I pretty much try to keep the files under 5 minutes
I still have a bunch of files without proper song titles as I got bored after artist, album, year. Itunes was my go to importing cd's. Later I found out any of the metadata I changed was in a changlog or some shyt, not the actual files, there was very little rejoicing...

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