[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 5 points 3 months ago

I had many issues since the upgrade. After getting tired of hunting them down individually, my one-time solution was to nuke my old configs and simply start anew. Fresh home, .config, .local.

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 4 points 3 months ago

For life. That is. If you're non-Hegelian.

Otherwise you become a kind of know-it-all as anything and everything that is raised for or against your Hegelian Weltanschauung is necessarily ontologically subsumed into the historically inherently determined dialectical self-manifesting and self-fulfilling recognition of one's own liberty which is nothing other than the unavoidable individual instantiation of the greater collective coming to terms conscience of the Absolute. Aufhebung, bitches!

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 5 points 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago)

I would say you're actually witnessing the very real phenomenon of language-drift. Languages evolve for a billion reasons, but there's no right or wrong state of language.

That's why we distinguish between language, dialect, idiolect, sociolect. Each bearer of language is also a producer of language. Their version is just theirs, in whatever many ways that makes that version unique.

(Check linguistics to better understand this process of language-drifting )

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 5 points 6 months ago

You make a good point worth considering. For all non-USians/non-Chinese out there, all those social media giants are foreign corporations belonging to foreign powers.

The spying part of it is bad for the spying, not for who's doing it.

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 5 points 7 months ago

Not OP, but here's how. You live-distro yourself to a running command prompt. You then connect to the internet, mount the partitions, finally chrooting to your computer's storage install. Once there, you clear pacman's lock from var and run a full update: pacman -Syyu. Wait until it finishes, exit chroot, reboot. 9 out 10 times works as expected.

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 4 points 7 months ago

Early 2002. I read about Linux somewhere, and I was trying a Mandrake install. I also read about control+alt+Backpage, which eagerly proceed to try.

Now I'm on tty, cursor blinking, thinking: I broke Linux.

Scared, I cleverly undid that mistake by simply... reinstalling the distro. Ignorance is NOT bliss.

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 4 points 9 months ago* (last edited 9 months ago)

Is Librera Reader FOSS? Their website provides no info about that.

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 6 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Thanks for that link. I didn't know disroot hosted Jitsi.

For others in this thread, here's a list of Jitsi instances: https://jitsi.github.io/handbook/docs/community/community-instances/

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 5 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

Thumb and ring finger change places. Opposable ring fingers.

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 5 points 10 months ago

Hey, you make a great point. There's a false dichotomy being presented here. As you see it, local-first is a bit of a misnomer when you already expecting your device to join a remote environment.

Yes, makes sense that we're being lured by the so-called cloud hosting. Following a business model that sells convenience in lieu of data control, cloud providers are distorting our current understanding of remote hosting. They're breaking the free flow of information by siloing user data.

Now, with that being said, I'd like to add something about your presentation. I'd suggest you avoid walls of text. Use paragraph breaks. They're like resting areas for the eyes. They allow the brain to catch up and gather momentum for the next stretch of text.

Regardless. You brought light to this conversation. For that, thank you.

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 6 points 11 months ago

True. And the way it's said/written causes a soft perplexity that feels nice.

Now you got me thinking. In my mother tongue, this is not at all perplexing. In order to find out why, I tried a more direct translation from my language to English. Here's my try:

The picture of me youngest is also my oldest picture.

[-] UdeRecife@literature.cafe 5 points 11 months ago

Thanks for posting this. It's a good reminder I've got to install thunderbird.

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