
joined 3 days ago

Yeah I found it, thanks for the reply

[–] 2 points 15 hours ago (2 children)

Incredible ! I love it ! Will try to find it


So I’m starting the second campaign for Eclipse Phase 2nd ed. (The Eight Sea) from RPPR. I’ve already listen to the first (know evil) which was great and scratch many hitch, hoping the second will good too.

I was wondering if you know of other podcast/actual play for Shadowrun or other that you find fun.

This look like the Paper, Janeway/Paris babies, Rock, Asshole at the science consol, scissors game diagrams

Tap for spoilerCool design, thumbs up

[–] 2 points 17 hours ago (7 children)

I’ll need more details on this


Those this mean that they are accessible by activityPub ?

Just finished Devs and quite like it. I’ve start Shōgun and find it pretty good so far

[–] 2 points 1 day ago* (last edited 1 day ago)

I’ve read some before, bought them individually. I think that I have Apocalyptic Frane (never run) and MoonPunk (never run also). That’s why I ask, I want to know how people that played them find them.

However I’ve bought the bundle for the cause

Tap for spoilerand I like DRM free


Bundle of Holdings is doing a bundle, many of you have probably seen it

Did you bought it ? Why ? Why not ?

What’s your great story with one of the game ?


Many thanks for the links. Qapla’ & Honor to your house


So I’ve just registered here, new to lemmy and all. Any useful links and tips I should know about ?