[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 15 points 1 day ago

Some of us live in functioning democracies where "switch to USB-D" won't come with an "it's illegal to give your son a name that wasn't previous a job title" attachment.

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 23 points 3 days ago

All the Gamestops in my country shut down, because memes can't pay commercial rates or corporation tax

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 14 points 3 days ago

This depends on your client. A lot of them hide responses in the same way Reddit did.

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 13 points 3 days ago

Us former edgy atheists didn't go back to church (mostly)

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 121 points 1 month ago

I mean they fucking advertised it as such when I bought it

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 63 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)


You're both half right.

You get the version at the time of your subscription (plus bugfixes). Then every time a version has been out for 12 months while you've been paying you get that version perpetually (plus bugfixes).

So it's 1.0 when you subscribe, you get that perpetually.

It's 1.0.1 in your third month, you get that perpetually.

It's 1.1 in your fifth month. You get that perpetually after 17 months.

It's 1.2 in your eighth month. You get that perpetually after 20 months.

You unsubscibe at 19 months but retain a perpetual version licence.

  • You started with 1.0
  • You ended with 1.2
  • You have to roll back from 1.2 to 1.1

Previous version was incorrect. This is why I just distribute our licenses, not procure them!

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 52 points 1 month ago

It was 3.6 years after? And it was pretty dead at that point. Like it was popular with a core group who were making Niantic and TPC tons of money, but the phenomenon was dead by the anniversary.

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 87 points 4 months ago

I love the sentiment, but also, then choosing famously the first untethered spacewalk for the photo. Why even put tethered in there.

Has anyone got something more productive for me to overthink please

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 47 points 7 months ago

Why do they want to make this ridiculously niche feature the make or break for flagships? Most of the world - by far most of Androids users - do not live in the depopulated Americas. I can't remember the last time I didn't have coverage.

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 72 points 8 months ago

"But it's haaaaaard" - the response to every minor challenge in America since landing on the fucking Moon

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 83 points 10 months ago

Would it mean that a malicious application being run in non-admin mode by one user could see data/memory in use by an admin user?

[-] TheOctonaut@mander.xyz 187 points 10 months ago

If you're using Steam (or any kind of shortcut I suppose), add --skip-launcher to the launch options. Here's how to do so with Steam:

  • Right-click the game in your library and select Properties.
  • Look for the Launch Options field at the bottom of the General tab.
  • Add "--skip-launcher" and close the properties window.
  • Launch the game as normal.
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